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JJ Abrams to direct New Star Wars Movie


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It sure is...I can't believe the list of films slated for that year....unbelievable.

After thinking about the December release date, it's actually a shrewd move by Disney.


No reason to put every big movie in the summer, when you can have something big during the holiday season too.


Just imagine watching a trailer for "Star Wars: Episode VII" in front of "The Avengers: Age of Ultron".


That makes me geek out.


I thought the first Star Trek re-boot film was decent, but the second one was pretty bad, IMO. It left me asking the question "why did they bother to re-boot this series"? I think the notion of taking what is generally regarded as the best Trek film (The Wrath of Kahn), was a ****ty idea. To simply reverse the Kirk & Spock characters in one of the most famous scenes from the original was lame. All of the characters are simply caricatures of the originals...blah...and then, to top it off, Kahn is totally neutered into some bland, metro-sexual villain. !@#$, they even made the Klingons indistinguishable from the baddies in every other sci-fi /comic book/fantasy franchise...Hollywood sucks.


I hope Abrams does a better job with Star Wars. I am not all that interested in it (first movie is one of my all-time favorites, the rest pale), but I realize the cultural touchstone that it is. I hope they are making it because they have a great idea for a story or film, not just as a vehicle to sell more merchandise.

This is something I am not worried about.


Abrams is a big time Star Wars fan, and a good story teller. I think he will put a lot of love and care into this franchise.


While it's true that Disney is all about making money, just take a look at what they have done with Marvel since they purchased them.


Because of that, there is no reason to believe, in my opinion, that the Star Wars universe is not in good hands.

Edited by Mark Vader
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After thinking about the December release date, it's actually a shrewd move by Disney.


No reason to put every big movie in the summer, when you can have something big during the holiday season too.


Just imagine watching a trailer for "Star Wars: Episode VII" in front of "The Avengers: Age of Ultron".


That makes me geek out.


Good point...I think it'll work out great for them, it's just more of a tradition thing with me. I've seen every SW film either opening day or within a few days of opening day, and there is just that nostalgia of seeing it just as the summer is about to get under way. As long as he does a great job with it, I'll be cool...I never thought I'd get to see Han Solo on the big screen again...Seeing Harrison Ford slip into character on Kimmel a few months ago made me feel like a kid again...I know the trilogy won't be based on him, but JJ would be crazy not to give Han plenty of screen time and make him an integral part of the story.

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This is something I am not worried about.


Abrams is a big time Star Wars fan, and a good story teller. I think he will put a lot of love and care into this franchise.


While it's true that Disney is all about making money, just take a look at what they have done with Marvel since they purchased them.


Because of that, there is no reason to believe, in my opinion, that the Star Wars universe is not in good hands.


I hope you are right. I am probably a bit older than you, so Star Trek was, for me, what Star Wars is for so many. I was 12 when the original film came out, and saw it 12 times that summer....by the time the Empire Strikes Back came out, I was more interested in rock n' roll and girls...not to say I was too cool to care, I still saw it, after it had been out a month or so (back in the days when a hit movie could stay out at a first run theater for a year, if people were still paying to see it)...Return of the Jedi, the same. I never imagined there would be more....so, years later, when they revived the franchise, I had come full circle, and was really excited about it...went to see the first movie the first Sunday it was out...I thought it was awful...I couldn't imagine being more disappointed with a movie I fully expected to love...the two after that (I only saw them on DVD) were only slightly more watchable...so that is why I am a bit leery of them giving the wheel another spin.


Its' great that Abrams is a big Star Wars geek... I wish he had left Star Trek alone... I realize it doesn't have the hip factor that Star Wars does, but in retrospect, I would be fine if they had just left it alone, where it was...let the old folks have their classic, and let Star Wars have its' era. But they couldn't leave it alone, because there was money to be made... Star Trek, because it was an ongoing series, is a very character driven story... to re-boot the series, and give the characters no character is a big blunder.

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