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JJ Abrams to direct New Star Wars Movie


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I hope he doesn't make it slap stick. As much as I liked the Star Trek reboot, the scene where Kirk's hand is enlarged was just lame.

I thought the Spock Prime thing was silly as well, even moreso his telling young Scotty how to beam he and Kirk onto the Enterprise. Hopefully they use better writers.

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He has to have officially claimed the throne of the king of all nerds at this point. I always used to think it belonged to someone like Hugo Weaving for the long list of sci-fi and comic book roles he played, but that has officially been trumped now.

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He has to have officially claimed the throne of the king of all nerds at this point. I always used to think it belonged to someone like Hugo Weaving for the long list of sci-fi and comic book roles he played, but that has officially been trumped now.

I think Joss Whedon is still higher on the list, personally.

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I think Joss Whedon is still higher on the list, personally.


I wonder if some might view the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises as a bit dated at this point. They definitely were the crown jewels of all things sci-fi throughout my entire life.

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I wonder if some might view the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises as a bit dated at this point. They definitely were the crown jewels of all things sci-fi throughout my entire life.

They are definitely not dated. Star Trek & Star Wars have their foothold in pop culture all over the world.


What other sci-fi franchises have the same beloved & highly regarded status?

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  • 4 months later...

New ‘Star Wars’ Film Cast Breakdown Unveiled



A young man aged between 20 and 25, witty and smart, fit but not classically handsome


Man in late twenties, also fit, but this one is handsome and confident.


Late teenage girl, independent, good sense of humour, also… physically fit .


Second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and physically fit.


Man in his forties, obviously physically fit, this one is a military type.


A man of around thirty or so, this one is an intellectual type.


Finally, a guy aged around seventy, strong opinions and tough.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, it'll seem a bit odd having Star Wars released around Christmas.


Oh well, it's still Star Wars, bring it on!


2015 is going to be a helluva year for blockbusters.


It sure is...I can't believe the list of films slated for that year....unbelievable.

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Is this supposed to be a sequel set after return of the Jedi?

That has not been made official, but it looks as if it is taking place many years after Jedi.


J.J. Abrams does a remarkable job on keeping the lid on his projects, and I am sure he and Disney & Lucasfilm will be doing everything they can to keep the reports on this Star Wars film under wraps.


That's fine with me, I like going into a movie free of spoilers.

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I thought the first Star Trek re-boot film was decent, but the second one was pretty bad, IMO. It left me asking the question "why did they bother to re-boot this series"? I think the notion of taking what is generally regarded as the best Trek film (The Wrath of Kahn), was a ****ty idea. To simply reverse the Kirk & Spock characters in one of the most famous scenes from the original was lame. All of the characters are simply caricatures of the originals...blah...and then, to top it off, Kahn is totally neutered into some bland, metro-sexual villain. !@#$, they even made the Klingons indistinguishable from the baddies in every other sci-fi /comic book/fantasy franchise...Hollywood sucks.


I hope Abrams does a better job with Star Wars. I am not all that interested in it (first movie is one of my all-time favorites, the rest pale), but I realize the cultural touchstone that it is. I hope they are making it because they have a great idea for a story or film, not just as a vehicle to sell more merchandise.

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I thought the first Star Trek re-boot film was decent, but the second one was pretty bad, IMO. It left me asking the question "why did they bother to re-boot this series"? I think the notion of taking what is generally regarded as the best Trek film (The Wrath of Kahn), was a ****ty idea. To simply reverse the Kirk & Spock characters in one of the most famous scenes from the original was lame. All of the characters are simply caricatures of the originals...blah...and then, to top it off, Kahn is totally neutered into some bland, metro-sexual villain. !@#$, they even made the Klingons indistinguishable from the baddies in every other sci-fi /comic book/fantasy franchise...Hollywood sucks.


I hope Abrams does a better job with Star Wars. I am not all that interested in it (first movie is one of my all-time favorites, the rest pale), but I realize the cultural touchstone that it is. I hope they are making it because they have a great idea for a story or film, not just as a vehicle to sell more merchandise.



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