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Doug Marrone is a "ya know" guy


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again, my initial impression of marrone is that he is an idiot. i hope i'm wrong, but i have a feeling he might become the most hated coach in recent history. that's saying something.

And this is based on what exactly?
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And this is based on what exactly?


hearing him speak. do you know what an impression is? feelings, hunches, impressions, etc., don't have to be qualified, otherwise they would be arguments. i'm not making an argument. good lord.

Edited by MarkKelso'sHelmet
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Its what my english teacher used to call a weasel phrase.


It can be remedied only by someone's spouse or very close friend because the way to break it is to have the person interrupt you EVERY time you say "ya know" and say "NO, I DONT KNOW". Its super annoying and can only be tolerated by someone in private that you really care about otherwise you'll want to kill them.


But it works. My best friend got me to stop saying ALLS (as in all's I know is we better make the playoffs) by interrupting me every time. Once the weasel word or phrase is pointed out it makes you conscious of how often you say it and the brain does the rest.


President Kennedy reportedly had his chief of staff interrupt him every time he said ahhhhhh in between thoughts when he spoke (a la Obama, Dole etc) I guess it worked.

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hearing him speak. do you know what an impression is? feelings, hunches, impressions, etc., don't have to be qualified, otherwise they would be arguments. i'm not making an argument. good lord.


I think the question is why do you have that impression given that lots of people who know him well speak highly of him. Saying someone is an idiot without elaboration is not really helpful to the reader. But I guess you are now saying that he is not very bright (a/k/a "idiot") based on the way he speaks, which isn't much but it is something I suppose. Like George W. Bush? Did you think Gailey was a brain surgeon based soley on the way he speaks?

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hearing him speak. do you know what an impression is? feelings, hunches, impressions, etc., don't have to be qualified, otherwise they would be arguments. i'm not making an argument. good lord.

Right, you're stating your opinion. Opinions are usually based on something. What specifically did he say that makes you believe that he is not an intelligent guy? Listening to his interviews, my opinion is the exact opposite of yours. He seems to give well thought out answers to questions and his introductory press conference to me seemed better than, for example Trestman's in Chicago, so I am curious what makes you feel that way.
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Right you are. More than 30 years ago, Keith Olbermann was tracking this when he was still a sportscaster. Mike Easler was the reigning champ in 1980. http://sportsillustr...23776/index.htm


Hilarious. It's gotten even worse since 1980 since it has spread to the general population in every facet of society far beyond the realm of athletics.


I even hear foreigners use "You know" in this manner. Rather egregious IMO when it's overused, but an occasional use of the term doesn't bother me at all.


Ha! I laughed out loud. :lol:


I did too.

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again, my initial impression of marrone is that he is an idiot. i hope i'm wrong, but i have a feeling he might become the most hated coach in recent history. that's saying something.

Like the old saying goes It takes one to know one.
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Right, you're stating your opinion. Opinions are usually based on something. What specifically did he say that makes you believe that he is not an intelligent guy? Listening to his interviews, my opinion is the exact opposite of yours. He seems to give well thought out answers to questions and his introductory press conference to me seemed better than, for example Trestman's in Chicago, so I am curious what makes you feel that way.


Sadly, I had the same impression as MarkKelso.


I liked everything I heard and read about Marone and was comfortable with his background, but since listening to him (pc, interview, speech he gave when he signed on to the Orange) I've been anxiously trying to convince myself that he must be smarter than he sounds.


I had the same feeling with Gregg Williams and to a slightly lesser extent with Mularkey. I think it's based on a few things: answering questions with vague generalities, not responding to the main point of a question (even if it is to deflect it), sentences that are slightly tortured syntactically, reliance on a kind of cliched bluster.


Now everyone has said that Marone is actually bright and detailed in his analysis of a team, etc., so I'm hoping this impression is nothing more than my own bias. I just know when I've had this feeling before, no matter how much I've tried to talk myself out of it, the coach hasn't worked out. I think almost all of the best coaches are pretty well spoken. The reverse, of course, is not true. Many well spoken people are not great coaches. I thought Chan was actually pretty articulate (despite the heat he took for his accent).


On the optimistic side, for me, Pettine sounded super smart, and Hackett reasonably so. Just my two cents.

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Sadly, I had the same impression as MarkKelso.


I liked everything I heard and read about Marone and was comfortable with his background, but since listening to him (pc, interview, speech he gave when he signed on to the Orange) I've been anxiously trying to convince myself that he must be smarter than he sounds.


I had the same feeling with Gregg Williams and to a slightly lesser extent with Mularkey. I think it's based on a few things: answering questions with vague generalities, not responding to the main point of a question (even if it is to deflect it), sentences that are slightly tortured syntactically, reliance on a kind of cliched bluster.


Now everyone has said that Marone is actually bright and detailed in his analysis of a team, etc., so I'm hoping this impression is nothing more than my own bias. I just know when I've had this feeling before, no matter how much I've tried to talk myself out of it, the coach hasn't worked out. I think almost all of the best coaches are pretty well spoken. The reverse, of course, is not true. Many well spoken people are not great coaches. I thought Chan was actually pretty articulate (despite the heat he took for his accent).


On the optimistic side, for me, Pettine sounded super smart, and Hackett reasonably so. Just my two cents.

Well I guess it's true that everyone's perceptions if the same events can be markedly different. I thought Marrone came off as much more seasoned than Pettine. I'm sure that both are good football men or they wouldn't have made it this far. Time will tell and I'm hoping that I'm right on this one.
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FWIW, Belichick is a horrible speaker. Some guys just aren't comfortable in front of a microphone. The fact anyone purports to have an inkling of how successful Marrone will or won't be based upon some speech patterns they picked up is just slightly silly -- ya know?

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Here are two speaking tics that drive me a little bit nuts:


First, an old time one that still goes around: "Like I was saying" when you haven't yet said whatever it is you're referring to


And a current one: Starting answers or comments with "So, " This one is epidemic paricularly among twenty and thirty somethings.

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