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Tom Brady's Sissy Kick

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I have not seen this discussed, but is it possible Brady was trying to make contact with Reed so that he could get flipped, then get up and complain that Reed had hit him while he was sliding?


As batshit as we all went over this, imagine what would have happened if the refs had flagged Reed, stopping the clock and moving the Pats* that much closer to the end zone. Given what we've all seen over the years, it very well could have happened that way.


Brady is a little b*tch just like A-Rod. I thought of that play in the ALCS where A-Rod slapped Bronson Arroyo with his purse. The difference here, of course, is that Brady really could have hurt Reed with his dumbshit move.

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Yep. It's a maneuver to break up a play that everyone is prepared for. No one is prepared for a sliding QB to give himself up, protecting himself from being able to get hit, and then kicking a defender in the junk.



They can't go out of their way to protect defenseless players from cheapshots in one instance, and then do nothing about it in others. It destroys credibility.


I get it - but there are likely an infinite amount of rules that could protect players that aren't actually on the book. Have people been tweeting pereira with this? I'd be very curious to hear his take on the situation. Enforcing a rule that's not really a rule is bad for credibility too.


I was one of the first on here to kill suh for his kick because he had a second motion. He recoiled his leg and extended it outside his bodies natural motion. I've seen a few mention a second motion here that I didn't see live or in the replays. Ill be sure to keep an eye open for it next I see a replay.


Do I think it was intentional? Sure. Is it a hard spot for the nfl without a well defined rule? Yea. I wouldn't be surprised if the nfl goes back and defines the slide motion better in the offseason.

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I get it - but there are likely an infinite amount of rules that could protect players that aren't actually on the book. Have people been tweeting pereira with this? I'd be very curious to hear his take on the situation. Enforcing a rule that's not really a rule is bad for credibility too.


I was one of the first on here to kill suh for his kick because he had a second motion. He recoiled his leg and extended it outside his bodies natural motion. I've seen a few mention a second motion here that I didn't see live or in the replays. Ill be sure to keep an eye open for it next I see a replay.


Do I think it was intentional? Sure. Is it a hard spot for the nfl without a well defined rule? Yea. I wouldn't be surprised if the nfl goes back and defines the slide motion better in the offseason.


Right? You would think the NFL would NOT have to say "Once a QB has started a slide, and effectively given himself up so no other player can hit him, he is not allowed to kick at other players with an intent to injure."


One would think that would just be chalked up to sportsmanship and not need to be said.


They didnt count on how low Brady and the Pats can go though.

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Article 1: Prohibited Acts. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct. This applies to any act which is contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship. Such acts specifically include, among others:

(a) Throwing a punch, or a forearm, or kicking at an opponent, even though no contact is made.


Maybe my first post including all "Prohibited Acts" was too long.

This is from the NFL Rule Book. Go back and watch the replay! Brady tried to kick Reed. It is an Unsportsmanlike conduct and thus an obvious penalty.

Sir , in response to the alledged "kick "

My client Ms Brady was under great duress at the time. Knowing that a loss was forthcoming and the severe retribuitions inflicted by her Father, The Dark One. also responds to Mr Bellicheck Sir, would be so severe that the defendant Little Tommy here emotionally retreated to the age of a 4 year old.

The 300 + lb Monster Ed Reed who has a violent history of murder and mayhem extreme physical violence and he is very black had intent of injury

He had told Tommy earlier he did not like Tom and thought he was an arrogant pissant. I heard from that little fellow with a woodenhead.

enough to scare any woman. Tommy's friends had left him alone with this very angry and emotionally unstable man.


I say to you this.

Look into our dear Toms face. He was scared he was frightened and he was alone.

wouldnt you try to defend your self ? i think you would.

Mr Reed is really lucky i think he was not injured much much worse. Tom was the better woman yesterday and restrained himself from using his lethal tai chi method of..

I'm sorry judge but you are all laughing and Mr Goodell seems to have wet himself.

Is this a joke to you people.


"Sissy kick" says it all. I loved it !!! :nana:

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What ever Reed's weight, he was barreling right at Brady. A collision, IMO, would have hurt Brady more than Reed. It was more stupid than dirty. That's my point.

Sorry, you are blind. A QB sliding feet first cannot be touched. Brady knows this, knows that Reed will leap over him.
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Do I think it was intentional? Sure. Is it a hard spot for the nfl without a well defined rule?

The rule on kicking is well defined. The definition of "kick" is easily looked up (Mr. Clinton). This is a very obvious violation of a very specific rule.

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Sorry, you are blind. A QB sliding feet first cannot be touched. Brady knows this, knows that Reed will leap over him.

Can't believe I'm defending Brady, and I'm really not, because you obviously shouldn't put your leg up, but picture yourself in the following scenario:


You're on the ground. You've got the body style of Brady. Ed Reed collides into your leg--full speed--as you're on the ground, motionless.


You really saying that's not potentially going to cause serious damage to Brady...more so than Reed? He could've snapped his freaking ankle. I can't believe so many people don't see that.

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I would bet the rule gets looked at in the offseason and qb slide gets something written in about keeping the leg down. It could be a tough one to define - the easiest being something along the lines of foot higher than the qbs waist I guess.... It's got to be defined somehow... No one likes the "you know it when you see it" type of definition for penalties as that leaves debate on application.


While it may need to be defined....make no mistake...the puss kicked, twice.


It was obvious.


Think people are overreacting here. He had a 300 pound monster barreling in on him. The chance of him getting seriously hurt from that move was substantially higher than the defender.


You didn't see the play, did you?

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Can't believe I'm defending Brady, and I'm really not, because you obviously shouldn't put your leg up, but picture yourself in the following scenario:


You're on the ground. You've got the body style of Brady. Ed Reed collides into your leg--full speed--as you're on the ground, motionless.


You really saying that's not potentially going to cause serious damage to Brady...more so than Reed? He could've snapped his freaking ankle. I can't believe so many people don't see that.


Really? No way does Brady get hurt. His act was bush league....

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If fitz does that to Reed he is a gutsy competitor.

yea, no. I've seen Fitz throw beautiful LEAGAL blocks to spring RB's. I've seen him take hits to make a throw, or scramble for a first down. I have never seen him do ANYTHING like the Brady sissy kick. To assume that we would be good with Fitz doing something, that he had fan respect for not doing is absurd.

I think we all liked how Fitz plays, just not his talent level. It's the opposite with Brady, tons if talent...to bad it didn't go to a football player.

Edited by JaxBills
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I don't think he was specifically aiming for the knee, but the kick sure as hell was intentional. I thought the same thing about Suh. At the speed the game is moving (ok, everyone else but Brady), they're not going to be able to accurately aim a kick. Suh was just trying to kick Schaub and happened to catch him in the worst spot. Brady was going with a pathetic attempt to protect himself. If anything, I bet he thought he'd catch Reed in the stomach area.


But yeah, blatantly illegal.

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