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Debating Electoral College Votes



what purpose does this really serve and at what cost?


are they doing this just so they can say....for another 4 years "Oh...Bush didn't really win in '04 either!"



sounds like they are just looking for what amounts to be a private 2 hour circle jerk.


It's a way to get some press coverage for the underreported story about voting irregularities that occured in Ohio. It won't change the results, but hopefully the publicity will force corrections for the next election.


Typical political action - doesn't matter if its dems or reps - happens all the time and has been going on for years now.


I dont think there is anything wrong by trying to bring light to a flawed voting system. But by doing this by focusing solely on Ohio (what happenned to FL??), having a HUGE partisan like Boxer chime in, and throwing around words like "disenfranchised", the Dems mess up the message and come across as whining babies who cant get over the fact they lost, not as reformers who want to fix something that needs to be fixed.


And again...I must ask...I live in the most populated township in the country that uses 40 year old mechanical machines, manned by 90 year old election officials. And I NEVER wait more than ten or fifteen minutes to vote in ANY election. Whats the problem in all these other locations?

If they're so concerned, why not protest a state THEY won?  Is Ohio the only state that had election irregularities?  I'm guessing no.



Another reason why they arent fooling anyone with this. sh--, they wont even look into FLORIDA!


The Repigs are doing the same there here in WA around the governor's election...fighting certification, didn't work, now they are trotting out all sorts of new "reasons" why we need a REVOTE in the state.


Anything like that would have to go thru the legislature. Alas for them, the GOP is a scarce commodity in the WA legislature.


The shoe's on the other foot and they don't like it. Gee, don't they remember "get over it"?


If there were true voting issues they should be examined so they can be avoided next time. After the election of 2000 there was no such real effort, and that is the issue. There is never going to be a perfectly-executed election as long as people are involved, and certainly if we never examine what may have gone wrong there never will.


The constutition allows for the challenge and it was a two-hour delay. Probably cost the taxpayers about the same as 2 minutes in Irakistan. "Get over it."

It's a way to get some press coverage for the underreported story about voting irregularities that occured in Ohio.  It won't change the results, but hopefully the publicity will force corrections for the next election.



Underreported?? Where have you been? This non-story was reported on about a hundred times more frequently than were the voting irregularities that occurred in the other 49 states, even though many of those states were a lot closer than 130,000 vote margins -- why not investigate those results?


Or is it just am amazing coincidence that the "irregularities" only happen in the one state that puts Bush over the top in every election? :blink:


We expect empty suit politicians to do stupid things just for attention. But it's kinda sad when people take them seriously.

Debating Electoral College Votes

what purpose does this really serve and at what cost?


are they doing this just so they can say....for another 4 years "Oh...Bush didn't really win in '04 either!"

sounds like they are just looking for what amounts to be a private 2 hour circle jerk.




Of course it is. They have to keep feeding the rabid fat boy moore crowd so they continue to pony up their dollars.


This is simply amazing that nobody with even half a brain in that party could stop these assclowns from continueing their assult on the party.

How bout Pennsyltucky?  Kerry won that state by a smaller margin than Bush won Ohio.  You mean there were no bottles of Boone's being handed out to bums in Philly like in 2000?



And if Kerry won do you think the reps would not have challenged that? Anyone who thinks their "side" doesn't play political games is fooling themselves.

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