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Deadspin: Manti Te’o’s Dead Girlfriend Is A Hoax


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Not sure if posted before, but here is an article on SI.com from the guy who interviewed him back in October. Interesting stuff. The amount of detail is staggering.


Manti Te'o in his own words


He says he knew her for four years, but that they dated formally since the prior October, so for a year. Could a hoax like this really be perpetrated for four years, including one as intimate friends? Who in the world has the stamina to stay on the phone with him for hours at a time, every day?


I think it's clear that even if this thing is a hoax, Te'o embellished or flat out created a lot of this story about his "girlfriend."


Although it's a stretch to say anything in this story can be classified as clear.

Edited by BrooklynBills
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You think Pookah was in on it?


i think he said hey pookah play along with this for a minute and pookah likely said whatever he said to and then shut up




It looks like it's 70 degrees outside. Why's this guy wearing a scar. Fishy.


it was at the usc-notre dame game in late november. pics from the tmz article about ronaiah scamming the girl with the blurred out face from "lennays sisters" twitter account

Edited by NoSaint
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Alright, we're just over 24 hours into this story, a story that had me flabbergasted yesterday, and it is official as of right...


now. I dont really care anymore.


Didnt want the guy on the Bills through the whole season, definitely didnt want him after the Championship game, still dont want him. However it turns out, it reflects poorly on him. I'm movin on.

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Not sure if posted before, but here is an article on SI.com from the guy who interviewed him back in October. Interesting stuff. The amount of detail is staggering.


Manti Te'o in his own words


He says he knew her for four years, but that they dated formally since the prior October, so for a year. Could a hoax like this really be perpetrated for four years, including one as intimate friends? Who in the world has the stamina to stay on the phone with him for hours at a time, every day?


That's true. The details are staggering. And remember, the best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you previously said. The amount of energy and attention to detail that this girl must have had to achieve is truly amazing. It's like living a double life. This girl's heart and soul must have been entrenched in such a hoax. Could a human being actually pull that off without a huge sense of motivation?


This is why I just can't buy this being a hoax. I have a feeling that what know at this point is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a suspicion that people deep within ND University were not only privy to this, but orchestrated this whole thing.


i made a joke in here, probably a page or two back, about obama being involved. now i cant find it. im sure it posted too bc i saw it. did somebody really delete it?


A joke? This "hoax" is just as likely as Obama being born in Hawaii.

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Alright, we're just over 24 hours into this story, a story that had me flabbergasted yesterday, and it is official as of right...


now. I dont really care anymore.


Didnt want the guy on the Bills through the whole season, definitely didnt want him after the Championship game, still dont want him. However it turns out, it reflects poorly on him. I'm movin on.

Agreed, but it is still very very funny.

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Not sure if posted before, but here is an article on SI.com from the guy who interviewed him back in October. Interesting stuff. The amount of detail is staggering.


Manti Te'o in his own words


He says he knew her for four years, but that they dated formally since the prior October, so for a year. Could a hoax like this really be perpetrated for four years, including one as intimate friends? Who in the world has the stamina to stay on the phone with him for hours at a time, every day?


If you read through the entire interview, a lot of details simply don't make sense.


The following is from the comments section after the SI article:


I admit that I am not the brightest of people, but when I hear that a girl died at age 22, had graduated in 2011, taught in schools and also was permoted to her fathers position in a construction company that was not family owned.. My first questions would be did she enter school at age 16 and how long did she work as a teacher and how did she accomplish all that since 8 months was spent in a hospital



These are the types of details that jumped out at me as I read the interview. Things just don't make sense. However, it is not obvious if this is because Manti was a bad liar making this crap up and he was in on it at the time, or if he is just really stupid and was spoon fed a bunch of nonsense from the "girlfriend" and her "family".


By the way: assuming Manti is 100% innocent in this and he frequently talked to his girlfriend and her family members on the phone (at the same time)...what did the female scam artist pretending to be the girlfriend do? Have a bunch of accomplices around her at all times, morning, noon, and night?


As I wrote earlier, I think it is entirely possible this started as a scam, but then Manti must have known and manipulated the situation relatively early on.

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I think it's obvious that this is the story of the greatest beard ever told. He's gay.

Where are his high school girl friends and string of other college girl friends?

Common man. He's an elite athlete. He would have a string of wahine miles long.

Why look at [NSFW, NSFW, NSFW] this guy and he's just a hockey player. Oh, did I mention that the link is NSFW? Well it is. It's NSFW.

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I know when things are new, it's easy to call it the coolest, best, greatest, etc... But, has anyone heard of a more bizarre story ever in sports history? Is this THE most bizarre story involving a big name athlete you have ever heard?


Orenthal James Simpson.

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