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A Fitting End To 2 HOF Career's

T master

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After this season is over the NFL will for sure be with out 1 HOF players & there is another that said at the beginning of this season he was 95% sure this would be his last season.


These 2 players that i talk about are Ray Lewis of the Ravens & Tony Gonzales of the Atlanta Falcons both will be first ballot HOFer's.


This possibly of this being both players last season & 1 playing in the AFC the other playing in the NFC wouldn't it be a fitting end to 2 great players careers to meet in the SB ?


Of coarse the bad part is one would have to lose but seeing as 1 has a SB ring the perfect ending would be if Gonzales could go out with 1 so they both could end their respective careers with a ring. Then they could wear their ring when they are inducted into the hall.


It will be a tough task for the Falcons (if they win today) to win out over the 49er's but it would be a great end to 2 of the greatest to ever play the games HOF career !!!

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id root for the non criminal

well, he was never a criminal as he was never guilty of anything. But I get your point. With that said, about half of Atlanta and the rest of the hoods there are probably criminals compared to those standards, so I guess your just F#%KED no matter who wins.
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well, he was never a criminal as he was never guilty of anything. But I get your point. With that said, about half of Atlanta and the rest of the hoods there are probably criminals compared to those standards, so I guess your just F#%KED no matter who wins.

team vs team its probbly equal criminalwise

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Nice sentiments, however Atlanta in the Super Bowl = zzzzzzzz. Battle between the Harbaughs with Ray getting another ring is what I would like to see now.


Atlanta - Houston = ZZZZZZZZZ, that would be CBS' nightmare.

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Nice sentiments, however Atlanta in the Super Bowl = zzzzzzzz. Battle between the Harbaughs with Ray getting another ring is what I would like to see now.


Atlanta - Houston = ZZZZZZZZZ, that would be CBS' nightmare.




team vs team its probbly equal criminalwise

probably true
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well, he was never a criminal as he was never guilty of anything. But I get your point. With that said, about half of Atlanta and the rest of the hoods there are probably criminals compared to those standards, so I guess your just F#%KED no matter who wins.


Only saying this for accuracy's sake


Technically, he did plea to obstruction of justice related to the killing which is still pretty unsavory when you get down to it.



Read an article today about the family and how they are dealing with the attention on his retirement. Left me with real mixed emotions. Some members seemed genuinely upset by the things they learned behind closed doors in sealed statements with confidentiality agreements.... But one said something along the lines of "ill feel better when ray gives me money to open a salon in my cousins memory" and I cringed big time.

Edited by NoSaint
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Atlanta - Houston = ZZZZZZZZZ, that would be CBS' nightmare.

Exactl. So we will now watch the NFL's Brady/belijerk hype machine roll on. All calls will go in favor of Cheatriots, no doubt.


yes, that's a crime. He went to jail. He's a criminal.

Who care's? One of best ever, and I love watching that guy play. So he was around some shady characters that night. Doesn't prove anything. I don't hold it against him.


Exactl. So we will now watch the NFL's Brady/belijerk hype machine roll on. All calls will go in favor of Cheatriots, no doubt.



Who cares? One of best ever, and I love watching that guy play. So he was around some shady characters that night. Doesn't prove anything. I don't hold it against him.

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Nice sentiments, however Atlanta in the Super Bowl = zzzzzzzz. Battle between the Harbaughs with Ray getting another ring is what I would like to see now.


Atlanta - Houston = ZZZZZZZZZ, that would be CBS' nightmare.

That is eliminated now and the damn Patriots will host another AFC Conference Championship game.....

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Can't root for Ray Lewis. Guy should be doing 25 to life.


That's a steep penalty for witnessing a stabbing and then fully cooperating with police. Especially considering the average murderer does like 5 years in this country. What do you recommend he should have gotten had he actually stabbed somebody? Perhaps drawn and quartered in the public square? Give it a rest already.

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That's a steep penalty for witnessing a stabbing and then fully cooperating with police. Especially considering the average murderer does like 5 years in this country. What do you recommend he should have gotten had he actually stabbed somebody? Perhaps drawn and quartered in the public square? Give it a rest already.


Wrong. He gave false testimony to the police when first questioned. He destroyed the clothing he was wearing that night. He only "fully cooperated with police" after they agreed to drop the murder charge against him and he ratted out the other two guys charged. He also payed out settlements to both victims families. Strange for a guy who simply witnessed "a stabbing".


And what is your source for the 5 years average time served for murder?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Wrong. He gave false testimony to the police when first questioned. He destroyed the clothing he was wearing that night. He only "fully cooperated with police" after they agreed to drop the murder charge against him and he ratted out the other two guys charged. He also payed out settlements to both victims families. Strange for a guy who simply witnessed "a stabbing".


And what is your source for the 5 years average time served for murder?


Hey I'll admit when I'm wrong. I could've sworn I'd read a while back that the average murderer only ends up serving five years in the US. I cannot find anything to support that claim after a brief search.


As far as Lewis, I didn't know anything about the clothing, but that's pretty incriminating I suppose. I was aware that he ratted out his friends in court. Personally, I wasn't there that night in Atlanta, so I just thought that saying he should be in jail for life is a little harsh for someone who was not found guilty of any crime. Clearly his friends had more to do with the incident than he did, I think we could agree on that. Either way, I find his whole God act pretty tired.

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