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[closed]Bills / Jets Connection


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The Buffalo Bills and the N.Y.Jets have something in Common...


Bills now have the Jets former Defensive Coordinator. They soon may have a couple of defensive coaches also.. Who knows?


Does this mean, especially with the Jets in a bad salaray cap position, that we may also be looking at a few of the Jets defensive players to join up with the Bills in free agency... Maybe Does anyone know who the Bills might be interested in?


While we are at it how about trying to get, if possible a third string QB from the Jets, who could run the Wildcat leaving Brad Smith to concentrate on WR? I think the guys name is Tebow...Doesn't seem the Jets or anyone else wants his services right now... Maybe we will find out when free agency gets here... There has to be a few good free agents on the Jets team that the Bills might be interested in and now have a better insight with those players... Got any ideas who?

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