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Titans Fire Music City Miracle ST Coach


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The Dallas Morning News usually comes out with their rankings of NFL special teams units in late January, early February.


I'd be curious to see how the Bills and the Titans were this year.


Last year he had the Titans as the league's 5th ranked unit and the Bills at #11.


DeHaven has come under a lot of criticism here. I'd like to see what an in-depth analysis shows.


Here's last year's rankings:



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DeHaven is a solid ST coach.


The Music City miracle tarnishes an otherwise excellent career. Ok, maybe kicking it straight away was a better call in hindsight but every player on that kick coverage team will tell you that Dehaven tells them to "stay in their lanes" on EVERY SINGLE kickoff. Had he called a normal kickoff and the Titans returned it he would have been questioned for not squibbing the kick.


The players and the refs blew that play.

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