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[closed]Reed Makes the Cut, Among the Final 15

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Isn't this the final year for Andre to get in as a 'modern' player?


I just don't think he gets in. And even as a Seniors candidate, I believe it'll be a long time... if ever.


Which is sad, considering those YouTube videos that are extremely tightly cropped plays, and he's got 40 minutes of TDs, in an era where the passing game isn't nearly what it is now. Imagine what Andre in his prime would be able to do with today's PI rules?

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Look for more linemen to get in. They generate no stats and go on reputation and pro bowls. WR are victims of the era in which they played in.

There is a belief they benefitted from rule changes and padded their stats. I challenge that because all the top QBs of that era are in the HOF. I would like to see all 3 WRs get in this year but that is a long shot.

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Tim Brown? Really? I just don't remember him being HOF caliber....Carter was pretty good though, but not in Reed's league IMO....


Tim Brown? Really? Was he that good? I just don't remember him being that good....Carter I can see. But neither were better than Reed.

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