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So Wes Welker is set to become a free agent...

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This is a typical response for guys who don't really pay attention. Yeah, Brady is throwing him all those passes (it's what QB's do), but Welker has the best hands in the game, "hands down". Watch the balls he's catching--half the time they are sailing over his head or into the dirt, and he just catches them. We don't have anyone with those hands on this team. Most of these guys need the ball delivered between the numbers. Welker caught 67% of his passes and 41% were for first downs.


A "younger guy", a "speedster who can stretch the field", say like, TJ Graham--had 7 drops in 58 targets and caught barely half his passes. Lets draft another one of those.


But why are you comparing Welker to a stretch the field guy? He isn't a stretch the field guy. He's a 7 yard slant and YAC guy because his first steps are so quick, he beats every DB. You're comparing apple to oranges.

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New England has a history of letting players starting the downside of their careers go.


Personally I think he'd be a huge asset to the kind of offense it sounds like Marrone/Hackett want to run, and to whoever our QB will be next year.


No, Sir! I'd rather draft Lemon or Sails.

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But why are you comparing Welker to a stretch the field guy? He isn't a stretch the field guy. He's a 7 yard slant and YAC guy because his first steps are so quick, he beats every DB. You're comparing apple to oranges.


Because this is what several posters said we need instead of a Welker, which I think is wrong. We need a guy exactly like Welker--especially if we get a rookie QB. He;s going to be the receiver over the middle who is going to help a rookie out after the checkdown.

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I think there may be better younger cheaper options.


Younger and cheaper, yes.


It all depends on how much and for how long.

Welker and his agent know this is probably the last 'big' contract he will get.

I know we in Buffalo have watched him torch us for years but i really think he is sliding fast and thus would not be worth a 3-4 year deal, which is what he will want.

Some team who feels they could use a guy like him to win now, say Detroit, might jump at it.


I wouldn't mind Welker, if the price is reasonable...which it won't be.


Welker won't be cheap. On the other hand at his age (he'll be 33 in May) I don't see him getting a mega-contract either.


If we could get him at a good value which I doubt it, I'd be all for it.

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If we draft a young qb it would be huge for him to have a guy like welker. The guy catches everything and keeps drives going.

everything accept game winning super bowl catches.




I would pay him a ham sandwich because that is all that Bills killing bum is worth.

Edited by Chris in Syracuse
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the guy is a future HOFer. If he becomes available for a reasonable price, there are no younger or cheaper options out there. this is just buffalo/ne haterade


I disagree.


Welker has two options: a) go to a team with a QB, or b) go to a team without. If he goes to a team with a QB, he has a shot at another championship. The team to which he goes will be able to obtain maximum benefit out of him, because of all the accurately thrown passes coming his way. If he goes to a team without a quarterback, it's a lose-lose. Welker doesn't get his shot at another championship. The team won't get maximum benefit out of him, because a lot of the value he could have provided will have been wasted by the QB's inaccurate passes.


The Bills don't have a quarterback. They are still a rebuilding team, though the process is further along than it had been a few years ago. This just isn't a good match.

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IMO wes welker is nothing special. Tom Brady makes wes welker good.

Chicken or the egg? Sign me up for signing him, if the price is right (it doesn't cost retaining a certain safety or guard). I bet Luck is happy that the Colts best receiver didn't leave along with Peyton, Welker is at least that good.

Edited by bowery4
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You guys are really understating welkers ability.. If any WR can put up those numbers why haven't they? (moss doesn't count) Welker is the best in the NFL at finding a soft spot in a defense and moving the chains.


That said, I wouldn't make a play for him. He's aging, expensive, and we are on just the start of a new rebuild.

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Bills should absolutley make a play for Wes. We need WRs which Wes is and one of the best. I don't buy it that he's not good and it's only because of Brady. You know what, Brady is good, but in the Bill Bellyache system at least 12 QBs in the league could be as effective. Heck, they won 11 games in 2008 with rookie Matt Freakin' Cassel at QB.


Anyway, you win in the NFL with talent. Talent at all positions, not just QB. A good WR is a young QBs best friend, You win with talent, not potential. We've been losing with potential for 8 years and running.


Hopefully the new regime does not make the same mistake as the old by running a pass happy offense with below avg WRs and QB. If Nate and Doug are offensive geniuses as I've been told over and over they are, wouldn't they be able to figure out a way to work Wes in? Here's an idea, watch NE game films. Run the same plays here that Wes was successful with there. It's not like a guy has to be a great QB to complete those. Most are short passes anyway.


Nate is a West Coast offense disciple. That means a lot of dink 'n dunk passing. You need guys who can catch the football and run with it. That's Wes.

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I disagree.


Welker has two options: a) go to a team with a QB, or b) go to a team without. If he goes to a team with a QB, he has a shot at another championship. The team to which he goes will be able to obtain maximum benefit out of him, because of all the accurately thrown passes coming his way. If he goes to a team without a quarterback, it's a lose-lose. Welker doesn't get his shot at another championship. The team won't get maximum benefit out of him, because a lot of the value he could have provided will have been wasted by the QB's inaccurate passes.


The Bills don't have a quarterback. They are still a rebuilding team, though the process is further along than it had been a few years ago. This just isn't a good match.

Why can't he resign with NE?

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As much as I hate Welker for what he always does to us and kinda wish he played for us,I agree with most others. We need tall, rangey WRs who can go up and GET it like a center fielder. And of course, a QB who can get it to them.

Edited by jimmyo
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