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When was the last time that things were good?


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We debate incessantly that _______ is "returning us to this," or "trying to turn this country into that," or "plunging this country into __________," etc.


When was the last time that things were good?


In your lifetime, has it ever been "good"?


I understand that everything is relative so I'd be interested to hear about the "better times." However, if you're fortunate enough to have experienced prosperity, no politico-social complaints (relative to you), and a full satisfaction with our national political direction, it would be interesting to hear about it.


Cause for all the griping we do about what is or isn't, no one has ever mentioned when it was. And how can you know if any political party can do it, if you don't know if it's even possible, or if there is some historical basis for what it's like if you get there...


I mean can you really hate or love the woman that you've never known?

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We debate incessantly that _______ is "returning us to this," or "trying to turn this country into that," or "plunging this country into __________," etc.


When was the last time that things were good?


In your lifetime, has it ever been "good"?


I understand that everything is relative so I'd be interested to hear about the "better times." However, if you're fortunate enough to have experienced prosperity, no politico-social complaints (relative to you), and a full satisfaction with our national political direction, it would be interesting to hear about it.


Cause for all the griping we do about what is or isn't, no one has ever mentioned when it was. And how can you know if any political party can do it, if you don't know if it's even possible, or if there is some historical basis for what it's like if you get there...


I mean can you really hate or love the woman that you've never known?


Things are good for me but that's principally because those that raised me sacrificed a lot.

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I don't know, things have always been pretty good for me.... I believe a lot of life s what you make r do not make of it... I guess working at a place where people die everyday places perspective on life, and what you hold dear as Good Times...



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Things are good for me but that's principally because those that raised me sacrificed a lot.




It's sad that our so-called leaders have completely abondoned teaching the principles of sacrifice and hard work as the keys to getting ahead. I guess you can get more votes by letting people be lazy and stupid and telling them their resulting lot in life is someone else's fault.

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Things are good for me but that's principally because those that raised me sacrificed a lot.


And you hopefully embrace this and pass it on. Well said.


I believe a lot of life s what you make r do not make of it...


Very true. It's also easier when you have folks who care for you (i.e. sacrificed for and are willing to support you) and vice versa. Trials are a virtual guarantee in life. How...and with whom...you handle those trials tend to make life better or worse.


To the OP...life is good.

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And you hopefully embrace this and pass it on. Well said.



Not really. I simply decided to blow it on coke and hookers... or maybe that's what I do every Sunday from September to December to forget about the last three hours :D

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You're talking about two different things. Just because people like myself find the current administration to be one of the more incompetent, divisive and leaderless ever seen in my lifetime does not automatically mean "things are not good for me."


That which defines what is or isn't good in my life begins with me, which IS a good thing because if I relied on the government to ensure things are good, I'd be sorely disappointed early and often.


You control your own happiness. You control your own fate. If someone thinks things aren't good, start with yourself and ask three simple questions:


1) Can you live with it? If the answer is no, then...

2) Can you change it? If the answer is still no then question, well, question #3 is pretty obvious.


Unless you're a liberal, in which case just do what you do best and blame everyone for your problems.

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Spring 2005. New job making good money, new girlfriend that would eventually become my wife (and later ex-wife), some other personal events happening that were good. It all started going downhill around the 2008 election cycle for me.

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Times are as good as you make them and if you're waiting for any outside influence to create those good times your life really does suck and you'll probably vote Democrat for the rest of your life.


So why do you vote? Why do you have a pronounced political opinion?


Everyone here discusses what they don't like about the controlling political establishment. That presupposes that they have a vision of what the nation should be like that Obama, Bush, or whomever has not created.


I'm just want to know when was the last time that the nation was like what you want it to be again?

Edited by Juror#8
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So why do you vote? Why do you have a pronounced political opinion?


Everyone here discusses what they don't like about the controlling political establishment. That presupposes that they have a vision of what the nation should be like that Obama, Bush, or whomever has not created.


I'm just want to know when was the last time that the nation was like what you want it to be again?

Tough call since I was in jr high and high school at the time, but I would pick the mid to late 90s. It certainly seemed to me at the time that my parents, neighbors, family were all raking in some nice cash. 401Ks were cruising riding the upswing of the .com bubble. There were no worries of jihad or foreign threats. People were fat and happy, the nation was in the best fiscal shape in decades. At least thats my recollection of the period.


Since entering the real world, I've only known sluggish economic growth, depression, and tepid recovery.

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The 1820's - 1830's. Mill towns on the rise, industrialism expanding rapidly, the Methodist church couldn't keep up with its own growth, the Monroe, Adams, and Jackson presidencies. Hot damn those were good times.

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1-18-2009. Things haven't been the same since W left office. Although Rove & Cheney were the real "thinkers" in the Bush administration I have to give credit where credit is due. Bush oversaw the largest expansion of government sector employment thanks to the creation of the vital Department of Homeland Security. Bush also oversaw the largest march towards home ownership for all since Eisenhower led the march to the suburbs in the late 50s. Bush was a Free Marketer until Wall Street decided to go derivative bat-**** crazy & crashed our economy.

Edited by BigCountryBills
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1-18-2009. Things haven't been the same since W left office. Although Rove & Cheney were the real "thinkers" in the Bush administration I have to give credit where credit is due. Bush oversaw the largest expansion of government sector employment thanks to the creation of the vital Department of Homeland Security. Bush also oversaw the largest march towards home ownership for all since Eisenhower led the march to the suburbs in the late 50s. Bush was a Free Marketer until Wall Street decided to go derivative bat-**** crazy & crashed our economy.


If there was a such thing as a progressive conservative, you'd be it.

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If there was a such thing as a progressive conservative, you'd be it.


If there was such a thing as a progressive message board baiter...he'd be it.


ACA, Heritage Foundation, Bush, Cheney, Rove...the only thing missing is a Mission Accomplished WMD reference.


But I'm sure it'll be here soon.

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