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Lance Armstrong Interview on Oprah Jan-17

truth on hold

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Yikes, who knows. Doubtful. But Im no doctor. Put it this way, if they could cause cancer, youd see a lot more pro athletes in all sports coming down with the disease. You do see a lot of athletes with kids with birth defects and other disorders, though. Connection? Really really tough to tell.

I think theres a pretty strong connection BTW steroid abuse and cancer in weighlifters. One of the damning pieces of evidence against giambi was a rare pituitary cancer that shows up with bodybuilder abusers. Hgh apparently has strong links with cancer too, and la was alleged to have used that too.


Here's an article that discussed it with lance, its inconclusive but raises suspicions.


Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Yikes, who knows. Doubtful. But Im no doctor. Put it this way, if they could cause cancer, youd see a lot more pro athletes in all sports coming down with the disease. You do see a lot of athletes with kids with birth defects and other disorders, though. Connection? Really really tough to tell.


The type of cancer he had is rare... All jokes aside, cycling didn't help???


Could the PEDS have helped him beat cancer? Well...EPO is a drug designed for use in cancer treatment. I beleive its to help with chemotherapy which wipes out your red blood cells. So I suppose its possible.


But the cancer had nothing to do with why he doped. He doped to win. He ran the doping ring he did and destroyed anybody and anything that got in his way with his MASSIVE power becuase he was obsessed with winning, to the point of it consuming him. He is really a sad case. Any athlete plays to win. But he became so obessed with ensuring he was on top, he became a megalomaniac about it. Hes probably a sociopath as well.


BUT... @ first he is "playing to live"... Isn't that like "playing to win." I never really knocked him for his aggressiveness... Just how he imposed his will on others gets me riles up.

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This dude is loaded. NY post says $125 million. I would have guessed more like $25 million. Doesn't sound like the sums he may end up repaying will be anything more than 10%-15% of his worth. http://m.nypost.com/...eY0Ti3026qCJgcI


I'm sure that factored heavily into his thinking. His advisors mapped it all out --- what he could be expected to lose from lawsuits, gov't penalties, etc. Then the decision is "live with the lie that everyone knows and be a pariah with $125MM", or "come clean and do the typical American celeb image rehab and live with some acceptance from society with $75MM".

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Thanks. He comes across as a dopey intense jock. Scheming how to circumvent doping rules was just another part of the competition, like positioning in the race


I believe that part though...there's no way most top guys weren't doing it imo....my big problem is just the stories of him being a jerk to his team and threatening people...he's not coming clean on that

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I believe that part though...there's no way most top guys weren't doing it imo....my big problem is just the stories of him being a jerk to his team and threatening people...he's not coming clean on that

Yeap. And I bet that's where his lawyers told him to tread most cautiously given unknown legal liability. This guy is going to keep a lot of lawyers busy for a long time

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I'm sure that factored heavily into his thinking. His advisors mapped it all out --- what he could be expected to lose from lawsuits, gov't penalties, etc. Then the decision is "live with the lie that everyone knows and be a pariah with $125MM", or "come clean and do the typical American celeb image rehab and live with some acceptance from society with $75MM".

Plus, I'm sure Oprah's paying him some big bucks for this exclusive interview.

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I know little about armstrong personally and even less about cycling, this was my first time really paying attention. And he comes across as a bad guy to me. Not really much to redeem there.


Yup, me too. I never cared about that sport, but I found myself getting angry. I can't imagine the people who idolized him and stuck up for him--how they must feel.


Watching it last night, I got the impression that he's far more smug than contrite. The thing that pissed me off the most was how viciously he attacked some of his former colleagues when they told the truth, including lawsuits and personal attacks. When he admitted calling that one woman crazy, he was laughing as he recounted it. How do you laugh about that? That was probably devastating to that woman to be discredited publicly by mister superstar bicycle pants.


He's very casual about it all. He's talking now because he got pushed into a corner. This is all he can do at this point. I don't think he cares about the damage he's caused. I don't think he even understands the extent of it.


I think the man's a sociopath.


I want to say to Lance and every person who plays a game and feels the need to cheat to win: The truth is important. Sportsmanship is important. Dignity and respect are important. You are not important.

Edited by gringo starr
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I want to say to Lance and every person who plays a game and feels the need to cheat to win: The truth is important. Sportsmanship is important. Dignity and respect are important. You are not important.

I hope the Patriots were reading this. :)

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