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Lance Armstrong Interview on Oprah Jan-17

truth on hold

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Yes you would assume he's gone thru all his options on that stuff beforehand. Could be the case he reckons hes seeing those suits coming already and he'll lose or be forced to testify underoath in court. And he needs to get reinstated to try and make a living again. Idk yourguess as good (probably bbetter) than mine.

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Honestly, I do not know what to think about LA?? What is the consensus around here? Is he guilty?


He's a shmo who takes steroids and rides a bike......just stay off the streets so I don't have to drive around ya and were good


This hero nonsense and the yellow bracelets never quite clicked w me......Heros do more than turn pedals on a bike.....I'm a lance hater.....screw em. Light em up Oprah

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Lance Armstrong plans to make an admission about doping in an interview with Oprah Winfrey scheduled to tape Monday at his home in Austin, Texas, a person with knowledge of the situation said.

In the interview, which is scheduled to air Thursday on the Oprah Winfrey Network, the famed cyclist plans to admit to doping throughout his career but probably will not get into great detail about specific cases and events, the person said. The person spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly about it.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Can't we merge this with the I hate bicyclists thread?


It's Lance Armstrong. Relevant 10 years ago. His star has faded, his life is screwed with lawsuits he's going to face and most of all he is going to try to pull a Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, etc etc and right his public image with some BS crap. Dudes a tool.

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I'm torn on LA....On one hand he's an egotistical douche who cheated and lied his way to the promised land (if you consider it cheating because cycling is probably the dirtiest sport on the planet when it comes to PEDs, they all dope), on the other hand he did raise about 1/2 a billion dollars for cancer research in the process.

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Armstrong last raced in 2010, and "ten years ago" he was on only his third of seven major wins, not even half way through his run.


Nice try though.

3 years, yeah, but in like pop-world-culture time that was forever ago. His star has definitely faded.

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First, I will fess up. I am a cyclist and a cancer survivor. My wife is a cancer survivor as well. I looked at LA with very high regard as a human being and as an athlete. When he spoke at the opening ceremonies of the first Pelotonia (bike ride to raise funds for The James Cancer Center at Ohio State) you could have heard a pin drop on the grass ampitheater.


Now, I look at him in the same level (or worse) as Bernie Madoff. They would be head to head as the biggest con artist ever.


I will be interested as to what he says, or doesn't say, but my believing everything his says will not be there.


I said when this all came out that the only person that he needed to listen to in order to tell the truth to was himself, and his kids.

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