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missin a good show...but my roommie brought up a good question...


if they've been on the island a couple of weeks now, how come the labels on the water bottles havent fallen off yet?  :blink:


advertising. Any way for the network to make money. next stupid question

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I have a serious question. Spoilers below!





























In the episode where Sawyer shoots the Polar Bear, Kate disarms him. Takes the gun and then asks if "anyone knows how to work a gun, and take it apart". Syiad (spelling) has to instruct her how to take out the clip and eject the bullet from the chamber.


Yet in tonight's episode it showed her shooting 3 people (with very precise, non lethal accuracy) and handle the weapon very well (so well in fact I think she is a US Agent...just a guess though).


So the question (obviously) is how come she "forgot" how to use a gun on the island? Normally I would think it was just an oversight, but this show is so well plotted and scripted I think it's a clue to something else. Not sure what though.



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Give the show the benefit of the doubt and say that her actions in the polar bear episode were to throw people off to what she really is.


Tonights show was very good. I like that Kate head-butted Sawyer not once, but twice! Very funny. Good stuff tonight. :)

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Uhhh...because it's frickin' television?  :)




Come on Tom, I know you can do better than that. You were harder on me when I misspelled Intelligent. :P


They go through all the trouble to make the other people look all dirty and sweaty, and that girl's makeup is flawless....



And we don't like hairy Iraqi dude anymore, cause he made hot girl cry. But it is going to be funny watching the brother try and beat him up...

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Come on Tom, I know you can do better than that. You were harder on me when I misspelled Intelligent. :)


They go through all the trouble to make the other people look all dirty and sweaty, and that girl's makeup is flawless....

And we don't like hairy Iraqi dude anymore, cause he made hot girl cry. But it is going to be funny watching the brother try and beat him up...



Didn't she make a comment about her brother "finding a new boyfriend"? I guess he's gay... The Iraqi is going to be tapping that ass soon, (if she lives long enough)...

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Come on Tom, I know you can do better than that. You were harder on me when I misspelled Intelligent. :)


They go through all the trouble to make the other people look all dirty and sweaty, and that girl's makeup is flawless....

And we don't like hairy Iraqi dude anymore, cause he made hot girl cry. But it is going to be funny watching the brother try and beat him up...



Okay...staying consistent with my "anything someone wants, they get on this island" hypothesis...she's still so clean and made-up because she wants to be, and the island provides. Or the even simpler explanation: she's a stuck-up B word who never does anything that would get her dirty and sweaty, and she stole all the makeup from the abandon luggage...

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Okay...staying consistent with my "anything someone wants, they get on this island" hypothesis...she's still so clean and made-up because she wants to be, and the island provides.  Or the even simpler explanation: she's a stuck-up B word who never does anything that would get her dirty and sweaty, and she stole all the makeup from the abandon luggage...



Bingo. From what we've been led to believe, she is exactly that. Plus, I think she still believes that they are going to be rescued any day now, and for that reason, she refuses to do anything except lie around on the beach (NICE!), do her nails, and read.


However, she may be even more of a focal point based on the previews of next weeks episode. :P:)

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quick question, ok two questions, one fact, one opinion,


what happened to the other gun they had on the island? 


is it a good thing that they have 4 more guns now?



I don't remember what happened to the other gun.


But, as far as the new guns? It can't be good. No one has died since the plane crash. This is actually a point I wanted to talk about... why they are so afraid all the time. I think the writers would do good to kill someone off. Right now, its like they are invincible. So, now, for the people on the island, the new guns cant be good.


Locke already knows how to hunt without a gun...

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another question...anyone notice what locke and the brother of the hot chick dug up...to me it looked like part of a fuselage of a plane or something...maybe the old plane that crashed there or something?

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I don't remember what happened to the other gun.


But, as far as the new guns? It can't be good. No one has died since the plane crash. This is actually a point I wanted to talk about... why they are so afraid all the time. I think the writers would do good to kill someone off. Right now, its like they are invincible.  So, now, for the people on the island, the new guns cant be good.


Locke already knows how to hunt without a gun...



Actually, one of the woman drowned. She wasn't a main character though.



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And the pilot got his for being curious about the roaring.


Claire is apparently missing. Ethan threatened to kill her. Charlie thinks she's dead. (Probably not, tho, that's a big storyline and pregnancy scene to lose).


From the looks of the preview, the snooty girl is getting caught in a snare or picked up by the same thing that got the pilot.

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BTW - the lock box number 815 was also the flight number



In the second (or third) episode, the doctor, Kate, and the hobbit go and try to find the other part of the plane. The scene when they discover the plane and the pilot, it is pouring rain. Right after, some type of "monster" appears and the pilot ends up devoured (spelling?) hanging in the brances. The next time I remember it raining was when the doctor and Kate go looking for Claire and the hobbit. It starts raining hard and all of a sudden the doctor comes across Ethan and Ethan apparently kicks the crap out of him and Claire disappears. So, is there some connection between the survivors and the weather on this island? Everytime it starts raining, something bad happens. I cant think of any other times it has rained on the show

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