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Bills hire Doug Marrone to be Head Coach


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It was sort of funny the first four times the homers crashed and burned. We've heard all the same stupid **** when greggo and malarkey and jauron and chan got hired.


But it's kind of getting old now. Love smith is begging to take over a team that has no business being considered, and we hire


Surprise, surprise, surprise


The fan base expander and marketing gimmick from down the road Russ Brandon style.


Such stupid ****.


I was sure RB was going after whisenhunt which would have been bad enough, but he went even dumber.


Good luck Blo. 4-12 will be an accomplishment next season.

Why don't we wait and see how this plays out before we grab the torches and pitchforks. I am definatly not a homer. Lets just give him a chance. Its not like we have any say in the matter anyways. We choose to be or not to be Bills fans. I choose to remain with this team, it is a part of me.

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But it's a widely different issue depending on why. Your answer amounts to "I don't know but I'm still right"



Overall, I'm not a big fan in theory, of punting in opponents territory, or passing on third and short a lot. But the fact is, that great coaches do both of those things all the time, AND, more importantly, fans completely forget and ignore all of the times that those things work in retrospect. The key is obviously, knowing when to and when not to, and overall have a good percentage because no one is always or even almost always right on those kind of choices. I was a lot more furious about Chan not having ANY back in there on third and short more than I was that he passed a lot on third and short.

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No if we picked Lovie we would be picking a winner retread with a lot of credibility and a great defensive mind. With Marrone we get no credibility and no offensive or defensive pedigree. I'm shocked and disappointed


Agree. Marrone may not of been open to being just our OC with Lovie being the HC which made much more sense considering our Defense is the bigger problem. Guess we will see. If Lovie really liked it here he would be a tremendous choice for DC.

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Im trying to answer your questions, I guess Im just not understand what youre asking.


If youre asking me to give you the situation each time he passed on 3rd and 1 or punted from the 35 then Im sorry I cant do that. I dont keep a log of those situations in my head for the past 3 years.


Wasnt he there 4 years?

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The more things change, the more they stay the same...color me very skeptical!


I hope it works for our organization but on the surface this smells of a marketing move. His overall record 25-25 in the Big East (11-17 conference wise) does not seem to inspire the demand for a jump to the NFL as HC, IMO. It seems that the Bills organization has a high opinion of themselves but they have absolutely NOTHING to support their reasoning. Let's see if this guy can bring in some coordinators on both sides of the ball that can match wits with Billicheat, Rex & Philbin.

I just don't get it...coulda had Lovie


The assistant coaches will be the key, hopefully he can hire some experienced NFL assistants, or its another 3 years of growing pains


Being the OC under Sean Peyton for 2 years doesn't mean much. Its like Steve Fairchild was under Mike Martz. Peyton calls his own offensive plays and sets up his own game plans. Pro football reference doesn't even acknowledge Marrone as the OC for those 2 years.

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He was the Jets Oline coach from 2001-2005 the went on to the Sainrs. You don't get 5 nfl interviews on accident.


He has more nfl connection than most here think. He will put together a good staff.


He wasn't my first choice but I kinda like it. He is a firey in your face guy, just what we need.


I don't think he's coming as some are calling the "cheapest" option. He was being interviewed by 5 or 6 teams.


Also the Cleveland's backup plan crap is stupid. Last night they were saying the Browns might flat out choose him over Kelly.


This guy is super prepared from what I have seen. I honestly believe we made a good choice.


I really hope you are right...I have a negative opinion of Gailey when he was hired....this guy I have no opinion on....

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Mortensen just said the Browns are basically rebooting their head coach search because they lost out on Kelly and Marrone.


I'm sorry, but I LOVE the fact that we got one of the Browns guys!!! I just LOVE it!!!


Why? Because I have big-time respect for what The Browns are trying to do to turn that Franchise around...The folks they have brought in and the new Ownership is top-notch...If in fact we got the Browns 2nd choice away from them, it thrills the heck out of me...And that's not saying I love Marrone...But I do think it's a great sign... B-)

Edited by KOKBILLS
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This move makes a lot of sense the more I think about it. You have a guy who will focus on being the HC and not a Coordinator & HC. His success is tied to who he brings in as assistants. The DC and OC hires will be important. He turned around the joke known as SU football. brees said he knows offense in and out...


Our other candidates:


Wiz would have ran the offense and been an HC - you tend to get bad game management or not enough adjustments when this happens. He did inherit a team from Denny Green and brought them a fluke play away from winning an SB. I think he was a top choice for us because of that. But once Warner retired the QB carousel went on.


Horton would have changed us back to a 34. I like this guy and think he will be a good HC. I don't think us transitioning to another D again is a good idea - it sets us further back.


Kelly - all gimmicks and will most likely bust.


McCoy, he made Tebow look good for a few games and the Broncos offense is amazing right now...Oh yeah they have Peyton Manning - does McCoy really do much for Peyton?


Lovie - 43 Tampa 2 guy. Small, fast guys don't work in our division. Had success on D, brought them to the SB with Grossman. Has never had a good offense and could not bring in quality OCs. Bears said he was let go because he couldn't turn that side of the ball around.


Gruden - Jon, not baby bro. He isn't going to leave the booth. He is the candidate I did want the most though.


I am ok with this hire. Lets Go Bills!

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Convincing teenagers to come to Syracuse is one thing. Running an NFL team is another. Of which he has no experience. And you guys are excited? I'm shocked. This guy isn't an offensive OR defensive genius. Unless they have a top notch OC and DC to announce as coming too then we are screwed



I have had enought of one deminsional head coaches. I do not want an offensive minded head coach like Chan who left the defense to some very poor DC's. I do not want a defensive minded coaches like Jauron or Greggo either.


Maybe he will prove to be a head coach that is a real head coach? That would be good.

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I tend to look at what successful coaches do. Ya know? I've never seen Belichick or Payton do this. I just haven't.




I was in Tampa in 2009.

I very much doubt that Doug Marrone would punt deep in enemy territory if he had Tom Brady or Drew Brees with their prolific offenses either. He's obviously not a conservative guy like, say, your beloved Dick Jauron. But they do throw on third and short all the friggin' time. Because they have Brady and Brees with their prolific offenses. Things don't happen in a bubble. A lot of offensive decisions are made because of who your own defense is ;)

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My initial reaction was dislike but after reading all morning I'm on board. You can't complain about retreads and then hate this hire. Its not like Chan either. Other teams clearly were very interested in Marrone. Maybe for once the Bills are ahead of the curve.

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It depends on who you mean by "they." My point is that it appears that Brandon, a non-football man, made the decision.

Why? Because he grew up in Syracuse? That must mean that you think Russ Brandon is the most stupid man on earth. I heard that Whaley was really the guy behind Marrone. Plus, Marrone fits more of the criterion that the Bills laid out before the search started than probably anyone, including Kelly. A new, fresh approach, NFL and Head Coaching experience, a good leader, etc.

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