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Deepest positions in 2013 Draft


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For those of you who follow more closely than I do, what are the deepest positions in the upcoming draft? Drafting for need is sometimes necessary, but as a GM you want to take advantage of what the draft gives you, don't you? We really need a LB or two, CBs and a QB. Way to many important positions to fill in one draft. So, what position is deep this year?

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For those of you who follow more closely than I do, what are the deepest positions in the upcoming draft? Drafting for need is sometimes necessary, but as a GM you want to take advantage of what the draft gives you, don't you? We really need a LB or two, CBs and a QB. Way to many important positions to fill in one draft. So, what position is deep this year?


In the early rounds: OT, DT, CB, maybe DE

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Id say 3-4 OLB. I know we have switched back and forth a bunch but this might be the year to commit to the 3-4 if we get a coach that wants that.


In the first 2 rounds, its really deep. That being said. Stay 4-3, we just need a scheme, not stache

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Also with regard to the popularly-held sentiment around here that we need to stay committed to the 4-3:


Numerous teams have recently transitioned from 4-3 to 3-4 in one season.


It can be done with the right coach.


Mike Nolan, Dom Capers, and Wade Phillips all recently performed this feat successfully IN ONE SEASON.


Ray Horton for instance could probably pull it off with a strategic draft choice or two (think Clay Matthews, BJ Raji).

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Also with regard to the popularly-held sentiment around here that we need to stay committed to the 4-3:


Numerous teams have recently transitioned from 4-3 to 3-4 in one season.


It can be done with the right coach.


Mike Nolan, Dom Capers, and Wade Phillips all recently performed this feat successfully IN ONE SEASON.


Ray Horton for instance could probably pull it off with a strategic draft choice or two (think Clay Matthews, BJ Raji).

True. When Horton became DC at Arizona,he successfully transitioned from 4-3 to 3-4 in a short amount of time.

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I'd rather stay 4-3. When you spend most of your time in the nickel why carry a base defense requiring that you carry more roster spots at LBr, in particular the usually expensive OLBrs if they are any good. In any trend, it's typically better to accept the fact that it is too late to join the innovators once the herd moves and seek an effective counterpoint and seek to innovate yourself.

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Also with regard to the popularly-held sentiment around here that we need to stay committed to the 4-3:


Numerous teams have recently transitioned from 4-3 to 3-4 in one season.


It can be done with the right coach.


Mike Nolan, Dom Capers, and Wade Phillips all recently performed this feat successfully IN ONE SEASON.


Ray Horton for instance could probably pull it off with a strategic draft choice or two (think Clay Matthews, BJ Raji).

Given out personnel it might not be a hard switch. Dareus & Carrington were drafted to play 3-4 DE, Mario can play either scheme (better in 4-3), Barnett has played 3-4, and Shepherd is probably just as suitable (maybe better) in 3-4.


I'm not [necessarily] advocating a switch, but it wouldn't be as difficult this time around.

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The 3-4 requires a huge NT (don't have) and an all-star MLB (don't have)

I think it depends what kind of 3-4 is being run. NE's 3-4 uses a massive NT in Wilfork which works very well there, but you also have Dallas' 3-4 where Ratliffe is the NT and while hes not your typical mammoth NT, hes still very effective. I think that kind of 3-4 is more prdeicated on having a penetrating line than a bunch of behemoths that hold up the blockers.

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you need a defense that can handle the double tightend formation......


Wouldn't it more of the type of safety rather than a defense as a whole.


I would throw in a "cover lb" as well...


I think both can be acheived 3-4 or 4-3 but It depends on the "body type"/make up of both of the safety and LB.


I could be wrong tho...I've been wrong before

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