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More centrist GOP forces rally to influence future primaries


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lol why are you so uptight about internal politics of the GOP? It's not a bad thing or a good thing it's just a thing and it's an interesting and important develop to watch. Untwist your panties gentlemen.

You take yourself too seriously :lol:

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And you gathered that out of



Ever since the elections, Politico has had a field day with writing up pieces about internal division with the GOP. lol


Over analyzing called up, says he wants his interpretive investigative results back

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And you gathered that out of




Over analyzing called up, says he wants his interpretive investigative results back


Stop taking yourself so seriously Magox not every post acknowledges your existence

Edited by SameOldBills
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haha, not at all


it is funny how you hate anyone talking about it though....it personally offends you for some unknown reason



You continue to (deliberately ?) misunderstand.


No one objects to the subject.........we are laughing at you and your silly preoccupation with it............lol






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Differences of opinion in the GOP=a sign of the total collapse of the GOP along with a schoolgirl giggle.


Differences of opinion with the Dems--healthy discussion.


The opposite was being said in late 2001. Maybe it's not bias; maybe it's just sensationalized journalism and contrived narratives.

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He probably watches these folks too much;


Pew Study: MSNBC Really Is More Partisan Than Fox.


“ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3. That’s not a news channel. That’s a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin’s title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propagandist hack in a totalitarian regime. . . . I thought show host Sean Hannity of Fox News defined party propagandist. But while his channel was bad, it wasn’t as bad-boy biased as MSNBC.” Interesting to see such strong language in the Baltimore Sun.




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He probably watches these folks too much;


Pew Study: MSNBC Really Is More Partisan Than Fox.


“ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3. That’s not a news channel. That’s a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin’s title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propagandist hack in a totalitarian regime. . . . I thought show host Sean Hannity of Fox News defined party propagandist. But while his channel was bad, it wasn’t as bad-boy biased as MSNBC.” Interesting to see such strong language in the Baltimore Sun.





The question is, who actually watches MSNBC?

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He probably watches these folks too much;


Pew Study: MSNBC Really Is More Partisan Than Fox.


“ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3. That’s not a news channel. That’s a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin’s title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propagandist hack in a totalitarian regime. . . . I thought show host Sean Hannity of Fox News defined party propagandist. But while his channel was bad, it wasn’t as bad-boy biased as MSNBC.” Interesting to see such strong language in the Baltimore Sun.





MSNBC is a trainwreck. I watch is at the gym everyday, it is not even news, it is as biased as it comes. I watch Fox at work, and while they present most a Right lean, they at least let the people with opposing views come on a state their case... Chris Matthews just interrupts when he doesn't like what he hears... and Al Sharpton's segment is terrible too. MSNBC is about as biased as it gets, makes me thankful I don't have cable.

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