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[closed]Choosing Coaches


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4 coaching regimes. 2 Offensive head coaches. 2 Defensive head coaches. Now I understand coaches come up through the ranks on one side of the ball but how about a Head Coach for a change. The head coaches fate depends on putting together a good staff (ask Chan about that) and relying on them to get the job done. Being more than the sum of the parts is what wins. Talk about these successful college coaches worries me because do they have the connections to put together an experienced staff that knows how to win in the NFL? We need offensive and defensive gurus as coordinators and a team builder and leader as a head coach. In my opinion this is where the Bills have gone wrong with the last four coaching regimes. Let's get it right this time. Get the right man that can put together the right staff. Oh, and don't let the door hit you Dave, you freakin bum!

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1. Syracuse, New York native Russ Brandon gets promoted to President of the Buffalo Bills.


2. Brandon will want to select SU Orange head coach Doug Marrone to be the new head coach of the Buffalo Bills.


3. Brandon will also want the Buffalo Bills tol draft SU Orange quarterback Ryan Nassib in the 2013 NFL draft.

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