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Football Abstracts???


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Anyone familiar with Bill James' baseball abstracts? He's one of the top baseball analysts who writes about the history of the game and its players using detailed stats and formulas. His abstracts are the basis of Billy Beene's management philosophy of the A's (documented in the book "Moneyball") and he has also heavily influenced the Red Sox GM Theo Epstein.


Why am I mentioning this on TSW? Well, I find James' work interesting and I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with an equivalent type of scientific analysis for football. Not so much a "history of football from day 1" type book, but more a "The '78 Steelers played defense X on 3rd down and had 89% success with it so it should be used as a model for, blah, blah, blah" kind of thing.


I realize that football isn't as statistically driven as baseball, but it seems like some kind of analysis could be valuable to the game.

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