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Peterson lighting up Green Bay


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Get over yourself. "I'm sure he's a good guy but while leaving the field with his teammates when a reporter grabbed him and asked if he was upset about not getting the record he stumbled despite clearly not even knowing how much he missed by - clearly he's a terrible teammate! But a good guy."


He might have wanted the record. Big deal.


Get over myself? Wtf are you talking about?


Of course he wanted the record. Perhaps more than the playoff berth, I'm afraid.


Your opinion is absurd.


He can be both terribly disappointed that he missed breaking the record and happy his marginal team made the playoffs. Perhaps you would enjoy someone micromanging your every subsecond reaction you have in your life?


This board is loaded with absurd opinions, isn't it?


His joy for making the playoffs hould have been front and center. Not the record. To think otherwise is absurd. And yes, of course he can be dissappointed. He needed to put his team first.


So, "marginal" teams can't get excited about being playoff bound? Please. Stop.

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Get over myself? Wtf are you talking about?


Of course he wanted the record. Perhaps more than the playoff berth, I'm afraid.


I respect that's the feeling you got, but to keep saying it as if it's definitely true and that you can't understand some level of disappointment for not attaining the record is "what he's talking about".

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Did you not see him celebrating with his teammates after that run to set up the field goal, its not like he sat in the corner all depressed that he didn't get the record, he was definitely out there celebrating and smiling for the win.


I saw a player getting carried off the field like he had accomplished something personal.

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Did you not see him celebrating with his teammates after that run to set up the field goal, its not like he sat in the corner all depressed that he didn't get the record, he was definitely out there celebrating and smiling for the win.


I'm pretty sure he was celebrating bc he thought he got the record with that run

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Yeah, did he think about the record and then the first he knew he didn't get it was when he said 9 yards?!? to Pam Oliver?


Her first question was "so you won but didn't get the record - how's that working out for you" essentially. thats when he had the split second a few of us joked about that bills overdue is very afraid signifies he cared more about the record than winning.


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They just won a slot in the playoffs. Shouldn't that be the primary focus?

How do you know it wasn't? He can be happy they made the playoffs and disappointed he came up 9 short of the record. And to my earlier point, his pursuit of the record was the single biggest factor in their success on offense this season. It sure wasn't ponder.

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How do you know it wasn't? He can be happy they made the playoffs and disappointed he came up 9 short of the record. And to my earlier point, his pursuit of the record was the single biggest factor in their success on offense this season. It sure wasn't ponder.


It's probably due to Petersons stellar, just hugely positive, reputation on and off the field that he's assuming the guys an egocentric jerk that doesn't care about winning.


His postgame interview at the stand was also fantastic. Acknowledged he would've liked it, but the win was biggest thing. Acknowledged there was a bit of a bittersweet feeling coming so close but that the number 1 priority was achieved. Tweeted "mission accomplished" after the game too



Great story, a shame he didnt score on that run to get the win and record and MVP in one play. As is, manning likely gets MVP.

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I saw a player getting carried off the field like he had accomplished something personal.


A year removed from acl surgery. Only the 7th player in NFL HISTORY to rush for over 2000 yards, and the 2nd most rushing yards in a single season ever, basically willing his team to the playoffs after they went 3-13 the previous year....Yeah that's pretty much the definition of personal accomplishments.

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