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Piers Morgan: A Man Without A Country


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Petition to deport Piers Morgan back to the UK



Petition to not take him back



Granted the White House's petition website has become a caricature of itself and is now just another symbol of Obama's style over substance form of Governance

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So we want to protect the second amendment because we don't like how someone is using the first?



Does someone who isn't an American citizen receive constitutional protections? Serious question, I don't know the answer.


Answered the question myself: Sounds like they do.


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Does anyone really watch this guy? The ratings must be crappy. If I wanted to go to sleep early I'd simply turn him on and be out in minutes.


When a very pro-NRA coworker of mine asked if I had heard what Piers Morgan had said, I said that he didn't seem to have any problems running around on screen with a gun in all those Bond films. Coworker thought for a second and laughed, thinking I was joking then realized I wasn't. He corrected me and said that was Pierce Brosnan


Then when he said who Piers Morgan was, I was like oh, that guy.

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Piers is really becoming a caricature of himself.


Now he wants to see the Bible with an amendment changing its stance on same-sex marriage.



And I thought you were joking:







"Maybe Piers Morgan actually wants to be deported from the United States. His comments calling for stricter gun laws have already resulted in a petition calling for him to be sent back to his native Britain. Now he's arguing both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are "inherently flawed," which hasn't earned him any extra supporters. The comments came during a discussion with Rick Warren in which Morgan, arguing for gay rights, said the Bible should be amended to reflect modern views. Warren disagreed, saying, "If it was true a thousand years ago, it'll be true a thousand years from today. Opinion changes but truth doesn’t."



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Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out


Wait wait wait... Am I the only one who noticed that the article shows two of the three deadliest school shootings were NOT in the US, but were rather in places that (supposedly) have stricter gun regulations...??


"The Sandy Hook massacre brought back such horribly vivid memories for me of Dunblane, the worst mass shooting in Britain in my lifetime."


Dublane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_school_massacre


"Along with the 1987 Hungerford massacre and the 2010 Cumbria shootings, it remains one of the deadliest criminal acts involving firearms in the history of the United Kingdom."


And, shockingly, the killer did all of that with four handguns and not a single rifle. Who would've thought that?! :rolleyes:


Also, this part made me chuckle:

"To me, this is a warped, twisted logic that bears no statistical analysis and makes no sense. Do you fight drug addiction with more cocaine?"


Yes, Piers, in some cases you actually do. Ever hear of methadone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methadone



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Face to face we probably agree on more than either of us would readily admit, though it tends to hurt your case a little when you start your comments sounding like Velma from Scooby Doo.

Face to face we probably agree on more than either of us would readily admit, though it tends to hurt your case a little when you start your comments sounding like Velma from Scooby Doo.


nah, that's never gonna happen. so quit dreamin.




oh, sorry, i wanted to suggest to you la bilge that crap happens once in awhile.

sorry if anyone beat me to this.

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