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President George H.W. Bush in intensive care


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Let me be clear


I am saddened to hear of Mr Bush's condition. And let me assure everyone, that I have learned my lesson from Senator Inouye's eulogy. I will not speak at length about myself or how former President Bush's medical condition affects me. I will not tie this to Obamacare nor will I ask contributors for $15-$1,000 in honor of former President Bush. I have received your message America and I am grateful for it. I will instead speak of former President Bush and of his family. I will speak of often of his sons George and Jeb, and briefly mention his other children that are not politically important to me.

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He'll Pull through. He's got enormous balls. Anyone he skydives at age 85 isn't going to be put down by a fever.


Get well soon Mr. President.


Is this from personal expereince with H Walker, or are you just accentuating the point of his toughness?

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He'll Pull through. He's got enormous balls. Anyone he skydives at age 85 isn't going to be put down by a fever.


Get well soon Mr. President.


I agree...


But it isn't like he skydived solo @ 85... Heck strap me to a skydiver @ 100 years old and I would do it too. What could go wrong?


Here is to a speedy recovery GHB so you can go kick your snotty son, W, in the arse!

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I agree...


But it isn't like he skydived solo @ 85... Heck strap me to a skydiver @ 100 years old and I would do it too. What could go wrong?


Here is to a speedy recovery GHB so you can go kick your snotty son, W, in the arse!


Always have to be the irreverent clown, eh?

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See that is the thing... Why are you so angry? What is with the hard-on? You always gotta take it to the next level.


I'm not angry at all and quit staring at my crotch. I've got to admit, every conversation with you does go to the next level down, and I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one here that feels that way.

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Let me be clear


I am saddened to hear of Mr Bush's condition. And let me assure everyone, that I have learned my lesson from Senator Inouye's eulogy. I will not speak at length about myself or how former President Bush's medical condition affects me. I will not tie this to Obamacare nor will I ask contributors for $15-$1,000 in honor of former President Bush. I have received your message America and I am grateful for it. I will instead speak of former President Bush and of his family. I will speak of often of his sons George and Jeb, and briefly mention his other children that are not politically important to me.


15 references to yourself Mr. President. Well done...well done. :thumbsup:

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That is all I was saying till old 3rd started stalking me. I guess we are both irreverent clowns... ;)


You give yourself too much credit, Eric. I wouldn't stalk anyone, least of all you. H.W. is very sick and his family has gathered around him. You just had to pick a thread about H.W.'s sickness to do your usual partisan clown-like bashing, didn't you?

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You give yourself too much credit, Eric. I wouldn't stalk anyone, least of all you. H.W. is very sick and his family has gathered around him. You just had to pick a thread about H.W.'s sickness to do your usual partisan clown-like bashing, didn't you?


LoL... Whatever Rich. Who made you policeman of PPP? Once again, if one is gonna get political, isn't this the place. That is what you wanted? Now you are crying for decorum... You sure you aren't the one running to the mods?

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LoL... Whatever Rich. Who made you policeman of PPP? Once again, if one is gonna get political, isn't this the place. That is what you wanted? Now you are crying for decorum... You sure you aren't the one running to the mods?


Face it Eric, you always pick an opposing position, without any forethought, and then try to defend it with your clown-like, childish antics. I'm not "policing" anyone and I certainly don't need a mods help in dealing with you, clown.

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