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Hey, i am just happy that BillfromNYC managed to post twice without a Travis Henry sucks comment in it.....talk about a crusade.  Should the word "crusade" be replaced by "fezmid".  This does seem to qualify.



Well, I am glad that somebody reads my posts. :D

It is good to be noticed, thanks.

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i just scan your posts for the "travis sucks" part and then feel all is right with the world.



You think that was a crusade? That was nothing. You should have been here before McNally came along and helped an OL that sucked for at least 9 or 10 years.

Besides, you missed it. Travis and Moulds are going to Oakland for their #1. :D

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Yeah, your stats back up the claims.  However, when someone counters those with stats that DON'T fit into the crusade, they're ignored (or worse). 

That's a *GREAT* idea!  Mods, can we have a sticky thread where all Drew comments go and then delete any post about Drew outside of that one thread?

Bledsoe has 68 losses for us now?  :D





Drew is 28-68 against winning teams in his career.


He is 23-25 overall in Buffalo.


Fez, what is it going to take for you to agree that this guy is not a good NFL quarterback???

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So we're basing everything on one play by one player? I'll admit it was a terrible play, but I can point to half a dozen other plays that were missed that would've (in my opinion) given us the game.


Dude... if you want to stop the crusade, why do you continue to fan the flames? I can cite stupid Bledsoe play after another that even a high school QB would get jacked for doing.... let alone we're talking about a 12 year NFL vet... and probably the biggest bonehead play I've ever seen an NFL QB do was in the waning seconds of last year's late Sept. contest between the Bills and Eagles.... Bills trailing with less than 30 seconds to go and driving near mid field.... 4th down & 2 and no timeouts... you need a first down at the very least... a touchdown would be nice. Bledsoe drops back... gets flushed from the pocket... moves to his right and getting close to the sideline. Here he has a multiple choice question that, like any normal QB, they must answer in real time... here are his choices...


a) try and dive for the stick and hope like hell you can stretch it out on the chalk for the first down and out of bounds


b) throw to an open reciever in the endzone


c) throw it to an open receiver near the sidelines


d) throw it to an open receiver in the middle of the field.


e) throw it to any receiver... covered or uncovered.


Which one do you think Bledsoe chooses????




ynnnnnt!!! times up!!!... if you guesed any of the above... you're wrong, but thanks for playing the game.


Bledsoe... near the sideline...staring at the 4th down marker, throws the ball forward and out of bounds intentionally... then grabs his helmet with both hands and thinks to himself WTF did I just do???? That there play speaks for itself... and if you would like, I will dig up about 7 or 8 dozen more stupid Bledsoe plays.



All of this "crusade" bull sh-- is exactly that.


On one side, you have 1 million fans that are logical and smart and realize Bledsoe's a loser. Then, on the other side you have a few hundred stupid people that continue to apologize for Bledose no matter how horrendous he plays he's neither responsible or accountable... it's always 10 other players faults... and then these few hundred people call the other million "crusaders" and "Drew Haters".... well....aren't those few hundred stupid people trying to prop Bledsoe up and campaigning for him to keep his job, "crusading" as well?????

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well....aren't those few hundred stupid people trying to prop Bledsoe up and campaigning for him to keep his job, "crusading"  as well?????



The difference is that those "100 people campaigning for him" aren't starting a thousand threads all saying the same thing, and they're not hijacking other threads to tout that he's a great player.


When I started this thread, almost all of the threads on the front page of TSW were the same. If they weren't originally about Bledsoe (like my defense post, for example), the anti-DB people would post an anti-DB post that had nothing to do with the original post.



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Drew is 28-68 against winning teams in his career.


He is 23-25 overall in Buffalo.


Fez, what is it going to take for you to agree that this guy is not a good NFL quarterback???



BF, I am NOT trying to convince you that Drew does not suck. That seems impossible. Please, do tell me this:

Does it matter one iota to you that in 3 seasons, Drew:

1) Played 2 of 3 years for a rookie headcoach, one of whom sucked.

2) Played in the Gilbride system for 2 years.

3) Had NO blocking for 2 years, and some of this year before Mcnally did his job.

4) Lost Moulds for much of last season.

5) Had no decent #2 receiver last year.


Do you consider the above when you deny that the 10th all time yardage qb is a good NFL qb, or are you just throwing things out there?

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The difference is that those "100 people campaigning for him" aren't starting a thousand threads all saying the same thing, and they're not hijacking other threads to tout that he's a great player.


When I started this thread, almost all of the threads on the front page of TSW were the same.  If they weren't originally about Bledsoe (like my defense post, for example), the anti-DB people would post an anti-DB post that had nothing to do with the original post.






Now you are really full of it. Heres the poll taken the other day-



31 people want Drew to start next year, 129 want Drew benched/cut/traded


Yep hundreds on TSW are campaigning for Drew and its the same 4 people crusading against him :D:P

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Now you are really full of it.  Heres the poll taken the other day-


Read the whole thread before jumping to conclusions. I was replying to DeeRay's post:


On one side, you have 1 million fans that are logical and smart and realize Bledsoe's a loser. Then, on the other side you have a few hundred stupid people that continue to apologize for Bledose no matter how horrendous he plays he's neither responsible or accountable...




If you care to appologize, I'd be happy to accept. :P


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BF, I am NOT trying to convince you that Drew does not suck. That seems impossible. Please, do tell me this:

Does it matter one iota to you that in 3 seasons, Drew:

1) Played 2 of 3 years for a rookie headcoach, one of whom sucked.

2) Played in the Gilbride system for 2 years.

3) Had NO blocking for 2 years, and some of this year before Mcnally did his job.

4) Lost Moulds for much of last season.

5) Had no decent #2 receiver last year.


Do you consider the above when you deny that the 10th all time yardage qb is a good NFL qb, or are you just throwing things out there?


Funny... but I remember a Bills QB that played for a rookie head coach and this QB had played in the league for 4 years...and Like Bledsoe, cost the Bills a 1st rounder and a ton of $$$...although this QB at one time shined for Gilbride with his previous team and had very good mobility, he too had "Bledositis" or an affinity for doing stupid things... like taking stupid sacks. Like Bledsoe, the offense sucked... receivers didn't get open, they couldn't generate a running game, the offensive line couldn't protect... yada, yada, yada. But a funnier thing happens... this QB was as brittle as lead crystal and goes down with an injury. Uh, oh... in comes this short, rag armed, minimum wage making, 16 year veteran of the NFL and CFL, and wouldn't you know it... the Bills are .500 at mid season behind this guy. Suddenly the offensive line is protecting so well, we forget what a sack is.... Moulds is having one of his most productive seasons, and the running game is working. What next.... the Bills are in the playoffs at 10-6.


Nah, Bledsoe could not possibly be the problem. It's always someone else on the team that is responsible for Drew being sacked, or Drew fumbling, or Drew throwing an interception, or Drew intentionally throwing the ball out of bounds on 4th down with seconds to go to kill any chances of a Bills comeback. Poor Drew, have you ever noticed how the the water boy hands the cup to Drew so he has to grab it with his left hand? Everyone knows Drew is right handed and likes his cup served in his right hand... that ruins Drew's day... damn that waterboy. And the trainers never tape his ankles correctly. Ribbeck never gets Drew's jersey quite as clean as it should be for Drew. Nah, we should get rid of the whole damn team...except for Drew, and start over and install all pros at every position, the best coaches, trainers, etc.... then we'll all see the real Bledsoe.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

The Crusaders. Great!!


We need a theme song: (Theme from SHAFT, i.e. SHAFT the Bills)


Who is the man that is losin games for the Buffalo Bills?




Yer DAMN right.


Say this cat Drew is a BAD mutha...




I'm talkin about Drew!


WELL you can DO IT.


Who's that cat that goes all out, to force TO's with defenses all about?





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no more talk about the other QB ,[ i don't mean JP]. lets just look foward to next year . and all you people who want to talk about the other QB,talk about the weather instead :D  :P


Once again, mead, you prove to be the voice of reason on this board.

I shall try to think positive and post more about JP.


GO JP!!!

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Uh, oh... in comes this short, rag armed, minimum wage making, 16 year veteran of the NFL and CFL, and wouldn't you know it... the Bills are .500 at mid season behind this guy.


The Bills are above .500 with Bledsoe this year...


And you can't possibly be talking about Flutie, can you? Because his career QB rating is only 76.4 which is *lower* than Bledsoe's, and that's the stat I see thrown around about Bledsoe all the time. Oh, and didn't Flutie take a sack at the end of a MAJOR game (Dolphins playoff game) and fumble the ball away to lose it? And he was a 14 year (?) veteran at the time!


I don't see the difference... Except that you're saying DB sucks and DF was good.


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The Bills are above .500 with Bledsoe this year...


And you can't possibly be talking about Flutie, can you?  Because his career QB rating is only 76.4 which is *lower* than Bledsoe's, and that's the stat I see thrown around about Bledsoe all the time.  Oh, and didn't Flutie take a sack at the end of a MAJOR game (Dolphins playoff game) and fumble the ball away to lose it?  And he was a 14 year (?) veteran at the time!


I don't see the difference...  Except that you're saying DB sucks and DF was good.





i remember the sack he "took". Trace Armstrong annihalated him. It was the plays before that put us in that position. we would have been at the 1 with 4 downs, but Reed got penalized for being a baby. AND it was that day that Flutie threw all day to Moulds and they were killing the Fins through the air. selective memory?

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i remember the sack he "took". Trace Armstrong annihalated him. It was the plays before that put us in that position. we would have been at the 1 with 4 downs, but Reed got penalized for being a baby. AND it was that day that Flutie threw all day to Moulds and they were killing the Fins through the air. selective memory?



But he lost, isn't that all that matters? He should've sensed the pressure and avoided the sack or at least protected the ball. Is it much different than us missing the FG because (a different) Reed took a dumb penalty instead of giving us the ball on the 2-3?


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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
i remember the sack he "took". Trace Armstrong annihalated him. It was the plays before that put us in that position. we would have been at the 1 with 4 downs, but Reed got penalized for being a baby. AND it was that day that Flutie threw all day to Moulds and they were killing the Fins through the air. selective memory?



I love it; you two are fighting over two QB's who are now absolutely below average!!! It reminds me of 2000, where we had TWO HORRID QB's, and we were fighting over who was the best!!! Flutie sucked balls and won with a great D, Bledsoe sucks balls and won with a great D. The proof is in the pudding!! :D


PLAYOFF WINS for DF, RJ and DB= ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!



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And you can't possibly be talking about Flutie, can you? Because his career QB rating is only 76.4 which is *lower* than Bledsoe's, and that's the stat I see thrown around about Bledsoe all the time. Oh, and didn't Flutie take a sack at the end of a MAJOR game (Dolphins playoff game) and fumble the ball away to lose it? And he was a 14 year (?) veteran at the time


dude... you shouldn't have gone there.... you're just digging your hole deeper and deeper.


Flutie's played 11 NFL seasons and has had a QB rating of 80.0 or above in 6 of those 11 seasons. Bledsoe's played 12 NFL seasons and has only heat the 80.0 or above rating 4 times.


Flutie hit the 80.0 or higher QB rating in 2 of his 3 seasons with the Bills

Bledsoe hit the 80.0 or higher QB rating in 1 of his 3 seasons with the Bills.


I know, I know.... your reply is going to have some sort of but, but, but comment. Anything to absolve Bledsoe from any sin.

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