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2 Rochester fireman murdered, 2 others shot while responding to fire

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You can't privatize the USPS. It's an absolutely essential element of our national security.

not anymore due to modern encryption etc... In fact the only thing keeping it viable anymore, is the restrictions placed on smaller packages and letters through the privately held postal companies like UPS and Fed Ex




not exactly... It reads....



and says nothing about a bloated and inefficient postal service


Who do you think is going to deliver medical necessaries person to person in the case of a N/B/C attack?


My father is a rural carrier and it's in the training guide stuff that he will be among the first wave group getting preventative care like potassium iodide or what have you, and that he CANNOT transfer this care to anyone.


It very much IS a matter of national security to be able to reach everyone in the country.

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And in another failed gun law attempt. How did a convicted felon out on parole get these weapons?


Enforce the laws we have and then maybe consider what doesn't work and fix that. But to come up with new laws is STUPID.


BTW, I am not sure about all districts in VA, but I have some friends that are firemen and they usually do have a couple folks in each fire station that carry for these types of events.

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And in another failed gun law attempt. How did a convicted felon out on parole get these weapons?


Enforce the laws we have and then maybe consider what doesn't work and fix that. But to come up with new laws is STUPID.


BTW, I am not sure about all districts in VA, but I have some friends that are firemen and they usually do have a couple folks in each fire station that carry for these types of events.


You know what doesn't work? Having 50 states with 50 different gun laws. Weapons cross borders into varying jurisdictions easily and silently.


Scrap all the laws and come up with one plan.

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No tap water to hookup a garden hose to! Can I throw 48 bottles of Aquafina @ the fire?


A well regulated private fire department could work. I wouldn't be in favor of it. I think we should keep them they way they are now. I hate hearing storries about fire departments letting a house burn because the the homeowner didn't pay their premium. I'm just saying it could work.

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A well regulated private fire department could work. I wouldn't be in favor of it. I think we should keep them they way they are now. I hate hearing storries about fire departments letting a house burn because the the homeowner didn't pay their premium. I'm just saying it could work.


I agree, especially in this day and age with better regulations and building codes... They don't have to be all professional & paid... Many good volunteer services out there too...

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That's not what you said. And, in any event, good luck with that.


I suppose you are right... Sorry... I meant all the laws outside of the USC and of course the 2nd. So true. The 2nd is so mimimally worded... How would 50 states ever get on board w/the same plan. Some will always seize an opening and try to make a buck from the weapons.

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Firemen shouldn't be allowed to unionize. Their bloated pensions are costing us so much.


Here's the great union shame: a policeman, fire fighter, or teacher works for 30 years in NY, then they retire to Florida and take their bloated pension to stimulate the Florida economy.


If anything they must be forced to stay in NY to receive their bloated union benefits.

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Firemen shouldn't be allowed to unionize. Their bloated pensions are costing us so much.


Here's the great union shame: a policeman, fire fighter, or teacher works for 30 years in NY, then they retire to Florida and take their bloated pension to stimulate the Florida economy.


If anything they must be forced to stay in NY to receive their bloated union benefits.



Sounds nice, almost Billy Jack like but is a rather liberal approach. I say screw the pensions and make them all do 401k's (after we get through the Obama years where a 401k is really a 202k). No more guarantees for any public service employees including all politicians.

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Sounds nice, almost Billy Jack like but is a rather liberal approach. I say screw the pensions and make them all do 401k's (after we get through the Obama years where a 401k is really a 202k). No more guarantees for any public service employees including all politicians.


I'd also advocate elimination of the communist interstate highway system & give this back to the states.


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I'd also advocate elimination of the communist interstate highway system & give this back to the states.


I have no problem with that. they are doing quite a bit in the DC area with private roads. Dulles tollroad, Express lanes, and intercounty connector. Of course the government signs the deal and then publicly bitches for year when these companies raise toll rates, and of course the poor people have to use the "regular lanes" and it isn't fair. Oh those rich people in the lexus lanes get everything.


Well folks you can't have private industry build a road and not expect them to make a profit, so shut the !@#$ up.

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