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Give me break! Will any reporter ever have the guts to find out how much in salary Ralph takes out of this team? The profits are irrelvant if he pays himself (granted a rumor-that's why I want someone to find out) 200 million a year to be CEO or chariman or whatever he is.


Give me break! Will any reporter ever have the guts to find out how much in salary Ralph takes out of this team? The profits are irrelvant if he pays himself (granted a rumor-that's why I want someone to find out) 200 million a year to be CEO or chariman or whatever he is.


This sort of thing was given as a main reason why the owners don't want to open up their books. They draw salaries and have family members draw salaries that would be embarrassing for the owners. Ralph does draw a salary from the Bills and I doubt anyone really knows how much it is really worth.


Give me break! Will any reporter ever have the guts to find out how much in salary Ralph takes out of this team? The profits are irrelvant if he pays himself (granted a rumor-that's why I want someone to find out) 200 million a year to be CEO or chariman or whatever he is.


200m is a bit extreme. It's a 9b industry. If owners take 200m and players take 100m suddenly you've already hit that 9b annual number without even talking coaches, staff, nfl offices, STADIUMS, debt, pensions, refs, insurance, etc.... I don't doubt he's getting well paid, but I've never seen this 200m number until your post.


I'd guess this team clears about 30m a year for him, and even a good amount of that gets tabbed for future investments in the team.


People are financially illiterate


Borrowing money by itself does nothing to change his net worth or reduce his estate tax, unless he took the borrowed money and threw it out of a helicopter.


While his debt goes up, so does the assets he gets cash for the debt



In fact, if the assets he bought with the borrowed cash produce more than the debt service on the debt, his total net worth will increase


However, the big money deals he gave to Mario Williams and Fitz have generated no return, so I guess those go down as estate planning moves.

Couldn't he clam that as a tax write off?


He also had nothing to do w/ the merger. So what is he in the Hall for, for firing Polian?


If you're going to slam Ralph at least do your homework. He was on the AFL negotiating team and he had NFL contacts that opened the door because in the 50's he was a part owner of the Lions. He also bankrolled at least one other AFL team (the Raiders) in the early days to keep the league alive. The AFL was NOT a hot property in its earliest years. It wasn't until the AFL signed a deal with NBC around 1965 or so that it looked like it would stick around.


If you're going to slam Ralph at least do your homework. He was on the AFL negotiating team and he had NFL contacts that opened the door because in the 50's he was a part owner of the Lions. He also bankrolled at least one other AFL team (the Raiders) in the early days to keep the league alive. The AFL was NOT a hot property in its earliest years. It wasn't until the AFL signed a deal with NBC around 1965 or so that it looked like it would stick around.


And add the fact that he (with Mike Brown) showed 30 other owners that they were asinine to sign that CBA in 2006 only for them to reject it a few years later. That vision (or stating a simple fact that the owners haven't had a chance to look through the deal) differentiated him from the rest.


200m is a bit extreme. It's a 9b industry. If owners take 200m and players take 100m suddenly you've already hit that 9b annual number without even talking coaches, staff, nfl offices, STADIUMS, debt, pensions, refs, insurance, etc.... I don't doubt he's getting well paid, but I've never seen this 200m number until your post.


I'd guess this team clears about 30m a year for him, and even a good amount of that gets tabbed for future investments in the team.


Good point. Although during the last collective bargaining conflicts the NFLPA claimed that the owners hadn't included all the revenue and had grossly underestimated their total revenue. Who knows they're a private business. Although they still have their hands out for public money. Pretty sure I got that number from Chuck Dikerson's radio show years ago. Not real reliable, but I'd love to see some courageous public official challenge the owners on that.

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