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I want to take this post to thank all of you..... Please read


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Thank you for your service and to all the other men and women who serve.


See you at next years home opener.


Are you home yet?

Married? Kids?

may have a set of tickets for the jets game if you are home for it., PM me.

Edited by mead107
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As a veteran, thank you for your service your country appreciates it. Merry Christmas and welcome home


I'm sure you're glad to be home. Merry Christmas and welcome back.


I wish I would have known about TBD while I was deployed. Trying to follow the Bills from third world countries with sketchy internet connections and frequent blackouts are tough.

I was lucky, err....unlucky enough to catch the bills cowboys game on AFN. UGH..

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I was lucky, err....unlucky enough to catch the bills cowboys game on AFN. UGH..


I saw one game on AFN while deployed...the Pittsburgh game in 2004. At the same time, there's a different feeling when you see your team lose. You're in a different mindset and it doesn't hit home as much as being back home.

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