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don nottingham, shula, cox, marino,nick saban


Bowling ball


What? No hate for Nick Bonerkaka? I've got plenty for that champagne sipping doofus. He's got plenty for The Bills.

. Who?


Oliver was the guy I old not remember.


On the the flip side, Scott Shwedes is by far my favorite Dolphin of all time




Tom Dempsey is sill my hated Bill.


Oliver brought back int and always taunted the bills


Hard to hate Marino. The Bills and in particular Jimbo owned him for his entire career.

Safe to say many never really felt sorry for Dan the man though.

Marino was a giant bag of ass well before he became a phin, Putting on that ugly uniform just made it worse.


1- Dan Marino

2- Jimmy Johnson

3- Louis Oliver

4- Randy McMichael

5- Thurman Thomas


it was BRYAN cox, posers


and you call yourselves fans


Actually, the proper way to refer to hated Dolphins is by their last name only. Real Bills fans block the first names out of their memory.


Easy one, there are so many.


1. Bryan Cox - no reason need be given.

2. Nick Bonicontti - constantly bragging and he was an awful host on his show with Lenny Dawson

3. Bob Kuechenburg - Big mouth offensive gaurd

4. Louis Oliver - talked the talk but could never walk the walk , he had one big game against us and spent the rest of his career getting burned

5. Dan Marino - just because of his tendency to whine and complain.


One of my favorite memories is a local radio station flying a plane over the stadium with a sign reading "Cox, Don't spit, Swallow"


omg i forgot all about that. i was at that game too. hilarious


marino - i could never really hate that guy. oh i mean i hated him when he would kick our ass, but jimbo had the fishes number for some reason so that rarely happened. marino was just such a joy to watch play, he really stood head and shoulders above the other players. i loved jimbo but he was no marino in that manner. bruce smith was but really there are precious few players like that, just incredibly gifted and doing stuff that looked impossible but they did it routinely


marino had the incredible ability to find the one spot he could step into in order to avoid the rush and get the ball off. he could be completely surrounded and like a sixth sense he would take one small step and fire off a perfect thirty yard pass with that little no wind-up tomahawk chop throwing motion. in-freakin-credible. im just glad they hardly never had a running game to go with his passing bc that would have been torture to try to play against


1. Brian Cox.

2. Brian Cox.

3. Brian Cox.

4. Brian Cox.

5. Brian Cox.


Dolphins I actually liked: Marino and Duper.


Ha! I was at the game. People didnt get why I thought it was so extraordinarily funny when it happened.


This is funny. Thanks for sharing. Why would you push your player like that? What's he up to these days?!?!


Cox takes postions 1 through infinity.


Position number infinity and one belongs to Marino, just for being a whiny baby.

Infinity and two belongs to Cox, again. Can't hate him enough. I think we'll have to import some extra hate from Oakland or something.

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