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The new lease: the cynic's view


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I'm as happy as anyone that there is a new lease. That gives me comfort, at least for the next seven years. But allow me to play Sully for a moment.


But you know what? As Sully said today, seven years will go by real fast, and before you know it, we'll be right back where we started. Even if LA gets a team in the meantime, of which there is no guarantee.


To me, this is a lease that guarantees the Bills will stay in Buffalo until Ralph is no longer the owner. But you know what? They were staying that long anyway. The politicians like to point out that the Bills could have moved for a pittance these last few years, and look, they didn't, so they're committed to Buffalo, right? Sure, but Ralph has always intended to keep the Bills here as long as he is the owner. This lease, especially the seven year clause, guarantees that they stay in Buffalo for what are likely the few remaining years for Ralph, which they were already going to do.


But the only thing the seven year clause (and even beyond that, the relatively short ten year overall term of the lease) guarantees is that the team will have options to renegotiate or leave once a new owner comes along, and they won't have to wait very long to do so. Unless Ralph goes in the next year or two, but even then, they'd only have to wait what, five or six years at most to get out of town?


The prospect of a new stadium, to me at least, only raises concern that it can be used against Buffalo when a new owner comes around and has the option to get out of town early. Like everywhere else, it becomes a bargaining chip that will be used either to hold us hostage, or to show that the city is not committed enough to the team to keep them around.


I'm happy with the comfort of the next seven years, but that's hardly a long term lease. Even ten years isn't long term to me. If the Bills were truly committed to Buffalo for the long haul, we would have seen a twenty year lease, or longer. The current lease just seems like a very temporary thing designed specifically to give a new owner the ability to quickly negotiate a new lease, or to get the heck out of Dodge, without having to wait very long.


Enough cynicism for one day. Back to holiday cheer!


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What is the point of this thread? Is there a need to feed our sense of victimdom? Woe is us? I don't believe in nonsense like "The Secret", but I sometimes wonder if our collective sense of doom doesn't drag this franchise down at some quantum level? Nothing ever makes us happy. How sad is that?



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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What is the point of any thread? Come on, Promo, you know better than that. It's about discussion.


I'm just struck how everyone is patting themselves on the back over this, when it strikes me as neither long term nor any type of guarantee, as its being sold. I think that is deserving of discussion, particularly if there are those who can intelligently argue otherwise.


I'm generally not the typical doomsday poster, but you can either lump me into that category and blow it off, or you can engage in a dialogue. If its the former, then I would ask you the same question: what's the point of your post?


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Your view is not overly cynical. Seems like we are being set up for a situation where a new owner will have the ability to move the team unless a new stadium is constructed. This will be the bargaining chip, whether the new owner means it or will use it as a way to justify moving the team (which may have been the new owner's true intention from the beginning). The new owner will simply blame the state and county for not keeping the Bills in Buffalo because of the failure to build a new stadium.


The new lease and improvements to RW stadium are stunningly low compared to the costs of improvements at other NFL stadiums or constructing a new stadium. We may like RW stadium, but even with the improvements, it will not compare favorably to most NFL stadiums. Given the difficulties in the local economy and the state unlikely to be willing to finance a new stadium for the Bills in the future, I think the Bills could be in a tough spot beginning in about five years. State and local officials really need to focus on the possibility of a new stadium now. It will be a lot of work to make it happen, including finding creative ways to finance the construction. If they are smart, they will tie it to an attempt to rejuvenate the downtown area and the local economy.

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What is the point of this thread? Is there a need to feed our sense of victimdom? Woe is us? I don't believe in nonsense like "The Secret", but I sometimes wonder if our collective sense of doom doesn't drag this franchise down at some quantum level? Nothing ever makes us happy. How sad is that?




Winning cures a lot of ailments.

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I will start by agreeing with PTR always looking at the down side what happened to the silver lining ?


In this agreement there was something stated about a team of folks would be put together to look into the feasibility of a new stadium for the Bills so could that mean (on the brighter side) that this deal is in place to keep the Bills here while the plans for a future home for the Bills is put into motion ?


The one thing that really should tick off Bills fans is the way NYC gets 95 % of all monies to keep that HOLE up & running as far as sports teams go. The rest of the state is paying for it & the only true NY NFL team sits in a 40 year old stadium while,


The Yankees, Mets, Nets all have brand new facilities & the Knicks, Rangers, & Islanders now that B/Lo has there measly (10 yr contract in a 40 yr old stadium) will be the next up for new homes while the Bills will still be sitting in the Ralph.


NY politicians suck when it comes to... well let me just leave it at that !!!

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I'm with Promo. It's a much better deal than I ever envisioned them getting done. It secures the team for 7 solid years and gives the area 2,556 days to figure out how to finance a new stadium to keep them here forever (maybe with a new owner that will hire competent people).


Great job by Mark Poloncarz! Thank you!

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I think this lease is excellent. It will likely keep the Bills in town for a couple of years after Ralph dies, which will give the team, city, and state the time to negotiate a new downtown stadium. The has the potential to be very good for Buffalo and the Bills.



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BTW Sal on WGR just had a lawyer go over the agreement, in particular discussing how iron clad the deal is. He gives it 7 out of 10. Should be on audio vault shortly.


Winning cures a lot of ailments.


No it doesn't. Not Bills fans. When we win we always assume disaster is just around the corner.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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I will start by agreeing with PTR always looking at the down side what happened to the silver lining ?


In this agreement there was something stated about a team of folks would be put together to look into the feasibility of a new stadium for the Bills so could that mean (on the brighter side) that this deal is in place to keep the Bills here while the plans for a future home for the Bills is put into motion ?


The one thing that really should tick off Bills fans is the way NYC gets 95 % of all monies to keep that HOLE up & running as far as sports teams go. The rest of the state is paying for it & the only true NY NFL team sits in a 40 year old stadium while,


The Yankees, Mets, Nets all have brand new facilities & the Knicks, Rangers, & Islanders now that B/Lo has there measly (10 yr contract in a 40 yr old stadium) will be the next up for new homes while the Bills will still be sitting in the Ralph.


NY politicians suck when it comes to... well let me just leave it at that !!!

i totally agree with you on the fact nyc gets the money for its teams from the state while we beg to get a few crumbs.. the mets, yankees, MSG, all got substantial state funds, but we are the red-headed step child, sucks, but that is how NY state operates..
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This was like the 96-year-old buying a new kitchen range because all the burners on his ancient one won't light anymore because they're gummed up with junk or connections have failed.


It doesn't mean that he's going to start fixing up the entire house so it's a primo place and sells for a lot of coin after he's gone.


All it means is that he has to have a stove so his home aide can have something to cook on so he doesn't starve.


This simply kicked the can far enough down the road so we can keep walking, but short enough that the next guy isn't encumbered to kicking it more if s/he doesn't want to or if it's not profitable (enough).

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Look, no one should be making this lease out to be more than it is. The County had to get something from the Bills in return for their investment in improvements to a rapidly declining stadium. They probably got about as long term of a commitment from the team as possible for the relatively small amount of money being put into it. This is not, nor ever was going to be any kind of resolution to the tenuous ownership situation due to Ralph's age. he has also shown an obvious disinterest in selling the team in his lifetime.These are well worn topics and very little new ground is broken here. The Bills agree to play in this outdated facility for the realistic remainder of Ralph's days. After that, a new owner is a given, and a new stadium that can work with the realities of todays NFL will probably have to be a part of any long term lease agreement between the Bills and Erie County.The County receives a commitment commensurate with their financial investment here, all parameters considered.

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I take it as Erie County and New York State have seven years to plan for a new stadium. As the County Executive stated on WGR yesterday, (I am paraphrasing) the planning for a new stadium in the next ten years should make the team more attractive to a potential owner with plans to keep the team here. I would not mind a multi use complex with a new convention center and a domed stadium in Downtown Buffalo.

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BTW Sal on WGR just had a lawyer go over the agreement, in particular discussing how iron clad the deal is. He gives it 7 out of 10. Should be on audio vault shortly.




No it doesn't. Not Bills fans. When we win we always assume disaster is just around the corner.




We haven't been to the playoffs in 13 years. You have one hell of a memory.

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I take it as Erie County and New York State have seven years to plan for a new stadium. As the County Executive stated on WGR yesterday, (I am paraphrasing) the planning for a new stadium in the next ten years should make the team more attractive to a potential owner with plans to keep the team here. I would not mind a multi use complex with a new convention center and a domed stadium in Downtown Buffalo.

i think you are pretty much on target, but i have to respectfully disagree with you on the"domed stadium" desire. i am in the minority, but i like an open air stadium, like the elements, i think what seattle did would be perfect for us to emulate.. cover the stands, but no dome..
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I take it as Erie County and New York State have seven years to plan for a new stadium. As the County Executive stated on WGR yesterday, (I am paraphrasing) the planning for a new stadium in the next ten years should make the team more attractive to a potential owner with plans to keep the team here. I would not mind a multi use complex with a new convention center and a domed stadium in Downtown Buffalo.


There's planning and then there's bucking up and saying 'Let's get this done!' and stop handsitting.


Some of these same entities were planning the Peace Bridge for 30 years....


It'll be up to the next owner now. Frankly, that doesn't fill me with confidence.

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