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Well the symbolic "Plan B" dies in conference


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So, what's the purpose? Dems are committed to going over the fiscal cliff so they can blame the Repubs. Boehner's plan was actually proposed by Nancy Pelosi some time back.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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Well the real reason it's significant is it sort of makes you wonder who there even is to negotiate with on the GOP side as far as a leader ...

negotiate?? isn't that for conference committee once SOMETHING is passed? This bu11sh1t of behind door meeting has got to stop. It's not up to the so called "leaders" to come to a resolution they cram down everyone else throat.


heck, the Senate under Dem control hasn't even passed a spending bill (not subject to filibuster btw) in over 3 years.


What makes ANYONE think anything can get done?


One side literally wants to go over the cliff, while the other is afraid they'll be blamed for it, and in panic mode.


Turn out the light folks, we're diving deep in a few days, and even if they somehow work out an agreement???? Both proposals, Obama's, and plan B, are worse than the cliff....


end rant

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anyone not seeing this as a big loss for the repugnants is delusional. a majority party that can't govern won't remain in the majority long, to paraphrase a republican congressman today. the recent polls support this unfortunately, the country loses as there really is no republican leader to even attempt to negotiate the important national issues with. mark shields said on pbs that it's similar to the problem of finding consensus in europe even though we have only one county to deal with here in negotiations. sounds about right to me. we really don't have time for the repugs to figure out who they really want to be, who their leader is and what they stand for.

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anyone not seeing this as a big loss for the repugnants is delusional. a majority party that can't govern won't remain in the majority long, to paraphrase a republican congressman today. the recent polls support this unfortunately, the country loses as there really is no republican leader to even attempt to negotiate the important national issues with. mark shields said on pbs that it's similar to the problem of finding consensus in europe even though we have only one county to deal with here in negotiations. sounds about right to me. we really don't have time for the repugs to figure out who they really want to be, who their leader is and what they stand for.


As long as Tasker thinks there is a chance for a faction of Repubs who refuse to engage in negotiated compromise when they hold the minority of a divided government...they can't disappoint him...or else...something...


In all seriousness though....get the tax cuts extended as high as you can above 250 and get as much cuts as you can and move on man...seriously do that and fight another day then purge those who threaten to primary you further from the right by saying "yes...some of us have to govern and there is such thing as Democrats who win more than us ya jackasses ... it's b/c of you they do..so go find a mountain top and scream your lungs out while we actually do the real world work necessary to run the country and hopefully w/ out your interference steer it more in our direction next election...b/c ya know...elections happen...and that's what gives you power"

Edited by SameOldBills
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What spending cuts have the democrats offered? Serious question.


Back in 2011 it was $3 in cuts for every $1 in revenue. Now Obama is offering $1 in cuts (down the road) for every $4 of new revenue. Damn Republicans are just obstructionists, and wholly responsible for this fiscal cliff thingy. Boehner even offered a Pelosi backed solution and he is being scoffed at.

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Those who like to do "scorekeeping" on the congressional budget talks, really don't seem to understand how difficult things are going to get for Americans in January and over the next four years;




Obama's Regulatory Cliff Is Bigger Problem Than Fiscal Cliff


Obama announces new wave of proposed regulations


The ObamaCare Fiscal Cliff


Only 15 States Opt to Run Obamacare Exchanges



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It's obvious the Dums want to send the country over the cliff.

They'll never get defense cuts on the table otherwise, and they really thrill at the thought of everyone's taxes rising and getting ahold of all that new tax revenue. Forward!


Of course, Stretch Pelosi will introduce a House bill in January for the "Obama Tax Cuts" that will mimic the Bush/Bad tax cuts - except they'll hammer the 2%ers. Then, they'll force the Repubs to vote that down to their eternal damnation in the forward thinkers and those who just got to remember first hand what the tax rates were like in the First Clinton era.


The ruling oligarchy will get what they want - tax hikes, defense and entitlement tax cuts that they can blame on the Repubs, and with the Forward-thinking press ("uuuhh huuh Mr. President, I've never seen you lose an election!", the Progressives will have their cake and eat it too. Forward!


What a wonderful world it will be soon when everyone is paying their fair share.

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