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The Farming Cliff. A viewpoint from a farmer.


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Did you watch the Fair Oaks Farm thing I posted... Everything is under the eye of the visitor... Can't even step out into certain areas (for contamination purposes)... The tour vehicle goes right into the barn...


So true! They (cows) actually seemed very happy and orderly! Like I said, one cow actually went back around for another milking! LoL.


Not to highjack this thread... Stereotypes always abound! Kinda like the whole healthcare debate and how the conservatives slack the VA/single payer. I just got back from BFLO where my father has been (and still is) in the VA Hospital... I haven't been there in 40 years since he used to take me last... BUT man it is a whole different experience and better! They did everything in their power to keep him alive (after running into complications from elective vascular surgery, he is almost 80!)... But then again, I read somewhere that the VA in BFLO is one of the top one's in the country. My sister who is an RN in the private system was resigned to pulling the plug after the first hint of trouble! He is going to make a full recovery! She even commented: "Way better than BFLO General!" Wow.


To tie it into the farm thing... People want to see what they want to see... Oh, well...


People see what they want to see but also in regards to Health Care not all situations are the same, which is a big problem that I have with one sized fits all Governemnt Health Care


I will take your word for it that Buffalo's private health care system is crap and their VA hospital is awesome

Erie's VA hospital, not so great. Not bad mind you, but there's a reason that my Dad prefers the private hospitals which are among some of the better in the country. Hamot being alinged with UPMC and St Vincents with the Cleveland Clinic. My Dad goes to the VA for hearing exams because he gets a free hearing aid. When he needed Heart Valve Replacement on the other hand, he chose St Vincents. Erie also has a Shriners Hospital for Disabled Children that is run as a charity. I experienced first hand the excellent care the Shriners Hospitals provide as I was misdiagnosed with MD as a toddler.

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People see what they want to see but also in regards to Health Care not all situations are the same, which is a big problem that I have with one sized fits all Governemnt Health Care


I will take your word for it that Buffalo's private health care system is crap and their VA hospital is awesome

Erie's VA hospital, not so great. Not bad mind you, but there's a reason that my Dad prefers the private hospitals which are among some of the better in the country. Hamot being alinged with UPMC and St Vincents with the Cleveland Clinic. My Dad goes to the VA for hearing exams because he gets a free hearing aid. When he needed Heart Valve Replacement on the other hand, he chose St Vincents. Erie also has a Shriners Hospital for Disabled Children that is run as a charity. I experienced first hand the excellent care the Shriners Hospitals provide as I was misdiagnosed with MD as a toddler.


Fair enough. Again, not to highjack... I see the same connection the whacky vegans are trying to make with one size fits all about farms argument. All options should be made available. Let the people patronize what they feel best works for them.


Personally I'm in favor of dairy products staying affordable. 1949 milk policy is probably not well suited for our current situation. Not a big milk drinker but I like a cheap pizza.

Outside of WNY, where do you find cheap GOOD pizza?

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Did you watch the Fair Oaks Farm thing I posted... Everything is under the eye of the visitor... Can't even step out into certain areas (for contamination purposes)... The tour vehicle goes right into the barn...


So true! They (cows) actually seemed very happy and orderly! Like I said, one cow actually went back around for another milking! LoL.


Not to highjack this thread... Stereotypes always abound! Kinda like the whole healthcare debate and how the conservatives slack the VA/single payer. I just got back from BFLO where my father has been (and still is) in the VA Hospital... I haven't been there in 40 years since he used to take me last... BUT man it is a whole different experience and better! They did everything in their power to keep him alive (after running into complications from elective vascular surgery, he is almost 80!)... But then again, I read somewhere that the VA in BFLO is one of the top one's in the country. My sister who is an RN in the private system was resigned to pulling the plug after the first hint of trouble! He is going to make a full recovery! She even commented: "Way better than BFLO General!" Wow.


To tie it into the farm thing... People want to see what they want to see... Oh, well...

what a great Christmas present. glad he's doing well.

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what a great Christmas present. glad he's doing well.


Thanks! That is all I was praying for this Christmas! He hung in there tough... Rough sledding for a while. He ran into complications from an elective procedure to open up the blood flow (stents?) in his legs... He could barely walk without extreme pain. He was supposed to be home that night! The procedure was done under local. He might have had a mild heart attack and aspirated some vomit! That was only the start... Yuck! That's when the crap hit the fan... His heart was acting all crazy, kidneys, the whole ball of wax! They then had to go in though his elbow (legs were already entered for the first procedure) to fix what was going on with the heart. From what I understand... He had blockage around the heart 100% and his body had made a bypass!! I never thought that was possible!! ?? That bypass was blocked 40%! They ended up inducing coma and what not. Finally he got out of ICU and I saw him in a regular room this past weekend. Quite remarkable. Gonna need some physical therapy... He's Getting stronger everyday.




Well...depends on how we define "cheap"....but in any event I'm not crazy about sweet sauce and don't drool over WNY pizza like others.


Sweet sauce? I always thought WNY pizza was defined by the doughy crust. My children hate Chicago "thin" "cracker" crust and prefer the doughy BFLO fare. Same with the small, "cupped" pepperoni. Anyway, where else can you get 30 wings and a large pie for 25 bucks (with coupon)?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Sweet sauce is not a distinctive quality of any American regional pizza. Sweeter sauce usually indicates that the owner of the pizzeria is Greek rather than Italian.


I don't know... My mother-in-laws parent's were right off the boat from Italy and she makes her mother's sauce (granted not pizza sauce)... That is stuff is super sweet... I really don't care for it... She must put a ton of sugar in it! :sick:

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I don't know... My mother-in-laws parent's were right off the boat from Italy and she makes her mother's sauce (granted not pizza sauce)... That is stuff is super sweet... I really don't care for it... She must put a ton of sugar in it! :sick:

You need to come to rural NC. We got lots of pretend italian places that are not even close. The best pizza I can find is Hungry Howie's, and I do not consider that pizza. Whatever it is, though, is some of the best stuff I've ever had on bread.

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IDK my grandmother is authentic Italian and her sauce is sweet also. She has a non-sweet sauce (which IMO is amazing) but her go-to sauce is sweet (which is good but not my style). Anyway IMO Buffalo pizza is sweet sauce...at least what I've had.


You need to come to rural NC. We got lots of pretend italian places that are not even close. The best pizza I can find is Hungry Howie's, and I do not consider that pizza. Whatever it is, though, is some of the best stuff I've ever had on bread.


Oh man, you are def. in rural NC...that's sad. I spent some time in the triangle plenty of options there. Closer to the mountains you get the more you might as well be in WV.

Edited by SameOldBills
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Sounds like she's just a terrible cook.


I second that motion! So true!


IDK my grandmother is authentic Italian and her sauce is sweet also. She has a non-sweet sauce (which IMO is amazing) but her go-to sauce is sweet (which is good but not my style). Anyway IMO Buffalo pizza is sweet sauce...at least what I've had.




Oh man, you are def. in rural NC...that's sad. I spent some time in the triangle plenty of options there. Closer to the mountains you get the more you might as well be in WV.


Bocce's is sweet, right? I am not crazy about that @ all...

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Oh man, you are def. in rural NC...that's sad. I spent some time in the triangle plenty of options there. Closer to the mountains you get the more you might as well be in WV.

And I couldn't be happier...wait, is that banjo musi...oh ****

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