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Thoughts on defense, who is to blame


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For a few days, maybe weeks I have thought about our defense. After a good convo in the shoutbox I am sharing some thoughts here.


Everyone is all over our DB's. Why?


The problem with Gilmore and CB#2:




Whomever is at LB these days.

The DL.


Our CB's are designed to be physical pressing players (which made no sense when early in the season we'd play 60 yards off the line of scrimage). They are there to disrupt the timing of the offense, stay on and fight the WR without having to rely on going on long routes to stop plays. If they had better speed they might not have the size and strength, but if we could do both no QB would have over <6 to throw 40 yard passes.


Over the top coverage is key. I love Byrd, he is our best player. However, he lacks the speed to cover every play over the top. Instead, without breakout speed, he relies on instinct and ability to make plays. This can leave us beat deep on occasion. Wilson seems slow to read the backfield and to adjust, which makes me beleive he has either slipped or the scheme is just that way. Searcy is young and learning and still has a lot to catch up on. If we can cover deep the QB has <5 seconds to make a play


Our defense was designed and we have committed many spots to keeping guys fresh to generate pressure. However, we have not done so and have not even adjusted to try and put an LB in there to blitz. We shouldn't have to blitz an LB, not with what we have at the DL. If the DL gets pressure the QB has <4 seconds every time.


If the LB's can cover the middle and protect the inside then the QB will not have the dump passes and check downs. Having an WLB that can cover keeps Bryan Scott off the field which stops the offense from killing the play and running right at him. Of course, if we had a SLB that could read a play and scrape and an MLB that was not touched we would be fine. The MLB is exposed because the DL does not warrant the protection needed to devote the lineman to stopping him. This is Dareus and Williams. The MLB should be able to shed any FB or likewise.

But, back to the WLB. The WLB is just not able to do crap. Whoever they try to put in there gets exposed and this could be the biggest need on the team. QB IS NOT So, if we had coverage over the middle the QB has <3 seconds every time


In 3 seconds you can run a play and get a first down, that cannot be argued. But, it's not easy. Take from my analysis what you will. I know defenses, at least I think so. I am someone who wanted us to keep Poz, Whitner and Dwan Edwards. i was fine if we let Wilson walk, did not see the value of Barnett or Morrison (though, I thought more of him then what we had). I also supported Bryan Scott being retained, which is not looking so good right now. I do look at the scheme for that problem though. We could have kept Whitner, Poz, and Edwards and still have had room to make the signings we did. Water under the bridge.


To look forward, I want to see us draft two LB's early. I want a WLb and a SLB. I want a CB in the top 3 rounds. I also want to select a RB in the top 5 that can convert 3rd downs. Do you know how differently teams must play if they know you can convert a 3rd and 2 or less 70% of the time or more??? But, alas, this is a defense minded thread...


The question you have to wonder if who is at fault for what we are putting on the field? Is the coaching staff just not using the players propperly?

I partially think so


Is the scheme of our defense flawed?

I do not think so


Do we have the wrong player for this?

Yes, in the key positions for this scheme to work we are lacking or seeing subpar performances.


Anyway, enough of my rambling. I probably have something I should be doing...

Edited by jboyst62
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It's a question of talent and a question of heart. We have no talent at linebacker and, outside of Kyle Williams, no heart on the Defensive line. If you can't get consistent play from 5 out your front 7, I don't care what the scheme is, nor who the coach is. The D just doesn't believe in each other (justifiably) and it shows against every decent offense.


By the way wouldn't it be <3 for less than 3 seconds? It's been a while since 4th grade.

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I am not clear if the scheme is flawed but rather the game plan certainly is from what I've observed. Maybe I've missed some subtle nuances but it seems the Bills gameplan is the same week after week regardless of the opponent. It is so predictable that the opposing offense knows exactly what they will face play after play and has little trouble dealing with the situation because everything they face is so certain without the confusion factor that causes offenses to make mistakes in execution. A good DC will vary up his approach given the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing offenses they play against. This has got to improve by learning from mistakes or a new DC that understands how to gameplan and call a game.


I can foresee the tandem of Brooks and Gilmore as the starting CB's coming out of training camp. Would like to see them retain Byrd and believe that G. Wilson has lost a step and taken some bad angles on several occasions. Those two drops against the Rams which might have saved the game did not help either. Look for a new starting strong safety next season.


The starting LB group needs a complete overhaul. They are bad against the run and worse against the pass. Nobody, except maybe Barnett, can cover a TE or RB.


So maybe three new starters at SS, 2 at LB, and a new DC would be in order here.

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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The problem with vanilla schemes is that there is more individual decision making required. There is a lot more to read in a base zone scheme than a manned up blitz scheme. These young corners are new to the concepts and reads vs. college. A vanilla scheme in reference to coverages is a misnomer in some very important regards.

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I thought Bryan Scott has looked out of place because he has not played lb in the nfl (to my knowledge). It looks to me like he has trouble reading his keys in the run game and plays tenative, which would be expected.


Depending where we pick in the draft, the first round will be interesting. Might be a great year to trade down and I think that is going to be the only way we can plug these holes if we don't sign FA's.

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I thought Bryan Scott has looked out of place because he has not played lb in the nfl (to my knowledge). It looks to me like he has trouble reading his keys in the run game and plays tenative, which would be expected.


Depending where we pick in the draft, the first round will be interesting. Might be a great year to trade down and I think that is going to be the only way we can plug these holes if we don't sign FA's.

He played LB in college, at Penn State, FWIW.

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I blame them all!!!


You know after the fake punt by Carroll, I wanted to see the defense get pissed off and deck their QB or anyone carrying the ball, im talking a 15 yard penalty kinda hit! I needed to see something! What did we see? Not a damn thing!


Action reflect leadership! Thats all im going to say! I also wanted to see Gailey show something during the midfield handshake....again nothing!


None of the players or coaches care....why should i?


This teams full of pussies! All of them! Just like their head coach!

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I blame them all!!!


You know after the fake punt by Carroll, I wanted to see the defense get pissed off and deck their QB or anyone carrying the ball, im talking a 15 yard penalty kinda hit! I needed to see something! What did we see? Not a damn thing!


Action reflect leadership! Thats all im going to say! I also wanted to see Gailey show something during the midfield handshake....again nothing!


None of the players or coaches care....why should i?


This teams full of pussies! All of them! Just like their head coach!

I actually agree with this rant.

Remember when Carl Mauck used to get mad? And Bobby April? Nobody on the Bills sideline gets worked up these days. Wannstedt hides in the booth and Gailey looks like a doddering old fool. Do the players ever get mad or show any excitement? Guys like Brady and Manning talk to their linemen and receivers and show some fire. Even Wilfork gets mad at the other guys when they mess up. The Bills need a leader with fire in his belly and the ability to back it up with performance and command respect from his teammates.

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Thats my point! You seen TJ Graham drop those passes, you all know Brady & Manning would have been in his face! Our guys do nothing! Brady and Manning get hit...they get in their OLs faces! Our QB...gets up licks his fingers and unbuckles his chin strap!


Action reflects leadership!! Our team has the mentality of its staff! Losers attitude BS!



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I actually agree with this rant.

Remember when Carl Mauck used to get mad? And Bobby April? Nobody on the Bills sideline gets worked up these days. Wannstedt hides in the booth and Gailey looks like a doddering old fool. Do the players ever get mad or show any excitement? Guys like Brady and Manning talk to their linemen and receivers and show some fire. Even Wilfork gets mad at the other guys when they mess up. The Bills need a leader with fire in his belly and the ability to back it up with performance and command respect from his teammates.


I guess you missed Kyle Williams screaming on Sunday, huh?

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The blame should first be on the players. We have a bunch of softies on defense. Other than Kyle Williams, Gilmore and Byrd the rest play with no passion. Mario Williams is a blamer and not a leader at all. Dareus has become a cream puff. Teh LBs are atrocious and the weakest part of ther team.



Second is the constant change. Three years ago we had a bunch of 4- 3 Tampa 2 players and a Coach (Fewell) that was at least getting something out of a lackluster group. Then we spend of bulk of two drafts to build a 3-4 defense and we did not find even one really good player in the bunch. Next we switch back to the 4-3 and bring in a lazy lout like Super Mario and a DC (Wanny) that is out of touch with todays NFL. Good intentions but poor execution by the lame front office. Right now it is just so hard to believe our LBs are so bad, Then there is Scott and Wilson and I can honestly say I wish we kept Whitner. Wilson is especially bad, he appears to have hit a wall and is in rapid decline.


The drafting has not been good for over a decade. It is hard to believe that we cannot get lucky once in a while.

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The blame should first be on the players. We have a bunch of softies on defense. Other than Kyle Williams, Gilmore and Byrd the rest play with no passion. Mario Williams is a blamer and not a leader at all. Dareus has become a cream puff. Teh LBs are atrocious and the weakest part of ther team.



Second is the constant change. Three years ago we had a bunch of 4- 3 Tampa 2 players and a Coach (Fewell) that was at least getting something out of a lackluster group. Then we spend of bulk of two drafts to build a 3-4 defense and we did not find even one really good player in the bunch. Next we switch back to the 4-3 and bring in a lazy lout like Super Mario and a DC (Wanny) that is out of touch with todays NFL. Good intentions but poor execution by the lame front office. Right now it is just so hard to believe our LBs are so bad, Then there is Scott and Wilson and I can honestly say I wish we kept Whitner. Wilson is especially bad, he appears to have hit a wall and is in rapid decline.


The drafting has not been good for over a decade. It is hard to believe that we cannot get lucky once in a while.

I like your knowledge. What do you think could be done to change direction besides the obvious - Ralph is cheap, Wanny sucks, defense sucks kind of thing.


It is amazing when you look at Wilson. He is a lot like Rhonde Barber when he plays a Tampa2. Just like Barber, outside of a Tampa2 you expose all of Wilson's weaknesses.

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