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Eating Crow since Chan wasnt fired


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I think the Bills should have the same system in their locker room that was in the Cleveland Indians locker room in the move "Major League" but in reverse. A picture of of the owner(Ralph Wilson) naked with 16 peel off pieces covering it. Each game they lose, a piece comes off.

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Lance Armstrong was eating Crow for a while.



Possibly the best tasting bird ever. I could only wish I was him. Even with the 1 nut. I'd take it in a heartbeat.


Lance Armstrong was eating Crow for a while.



Possibly the best tasting bird ever. I could only wish I was him. Even with the 1 nut. I'd take it in a heartbeat.
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Very admirable of you to come forward and admit your wrong doing.


I'm STILL waiting for those that were sure Lee Evans was going to have a great year and Brad Smith was a playmaker in the WildCat to come forward and admit their wrong doings.




I thought Lee Evans would do well away from Buffalo...I admit it...what do I get?


Brad Smith? Who is he? Are we talking Sabres now?


I still think Gailey steps down after the last game...Gailey is a pretty stand-up guy, like him or not...He's said time and again this is a result oriented business...He's also said quite a few times he really has no answers for what has gone on here...I think he'll see clearly he's not getting the necessary results and save Buddy the grief of having to fire him...Just my opinion... B-)


Not a chance he steps down...he would have to quit. I like Gailey personally (what I know of him), but how often does it happen in pro-sports (other than Mike Mularkey) that a coach steps down, voluntarily... other than the odd exception where a successful coach (Dungy, Cowher, etc) steps down, or leaves to go to another job...if Gailey is a "stand-up guy", then he believes in what he is doing, and believes that he is close to turning things around... he will have to be fired.


If I am wrong, I will be back for my helping of crow.

Edited by Buftex
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I thought Lee Evans would do well away from Buffalo...I admit it...what do I get?


Brad Smith? Who is he? Are we talking Sabres now?

Nothing ;-) unless you were one if the people that bet me before the season started. In that case, you owe me a beer.


Thanks for admitting tho.

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I still think Gailey steps down after the last game...Gailey is a pretty stand-up guy, like him or not...He's said time and again this is a result oriented business...He's also said quite a few times he really has no answers for what has gone on here...I think he'll see clearly he's not getting the necessary results and save Buddy the grief of having to fire him...Just my opinion... B-)

I doubt that only because I believe if Gailey quits he gives up his last years salary.

I wouldn't be surprised though if he tells Nix that he would be OK with being fired.

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I have wanted Nix / gailey fired after watching what they both did in their first draft, off season, free agency, pre season. Three years of rumbling, bumbling, stumbling. Bone headed move after bone headed move. The fans constantly making excuses over and over for those two losers.


I just kept forgetting who owns the team. Nothing changes for the better until Wilson is finally gone

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I still think Gailey steps down after the last game...Gailey is a pretty stand-up guy, like him or not...He's said time and again this is a result oriented business...He's also said quite a few times he really has no answers for what has gone on here...I think he'll see clearly he's not getting the necessary results and save Buddy the grief of having to fire him...Just my opinion... B-)

There is absolutely no chance that Gailey steps down without being for to. Unless Nix tries to force him to resign by demanding he turn over play calling duties or something, Gailey will not step down. Nix will have to fire him. I still think that Gailey will be brought back next year unless we get destroyed in the next two games and Ralph demands a change.

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Ah hell. Since we are eating crow I'll admit that I thought the Bills were going 11-5 this season. Sorry guys. My bad.




PS, it tastes horrible.


+ 1


I predicted 8 - 8.



Oh well.



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