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Sullivan: This reads like we wrote it


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That article was spot on in terms of the attitude of fans. I'll have to admit that I was tricked going into this season. I bought the hype that Mario Williams and the moves on defense were going to have this team ready to play. I bought into the hype that the Bills could get it done offensively based on what they did last year. All of it is just what this article says in terms of being futility. I bought the Sunday Ticket this year based on the hype. While I did see them look decent at times, it was as usual in terms of being against only the bad teams. Good teams whip their butts up and down the field and our coach is too stubborn to change his game plan. Good riddance to the Ticket for next year. Not buying it until they put a product on the field that I can be proud of.

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Rich Kotite: .417 winning percentage as a head coach.

Chan Gailey: .413 winning percentage as a head coach if the Bills finish the year at 5-11.

That is said considering that Kotite is the benchmark for terrible coaching in the NFL and is the first coach referenced to when talking about coaching failure. Jauron is starting to look not so bad, and that is really bad.
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Sully: Master of the obvious. Not so great at fixing things.






Is that his job?


If you read good columnists at good newspapers, you'll get insight and learn things that you wouldn't learn on a message board.


As Bills fans however, we glean more knowledge and insight from message boards. Probably Sullivan comes here to get a better understanding of the Bills situation.

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