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OT- Anyone see "The Day After Tommorow"?


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I live in Phoenix and we are currently under a tornado Warning! I have never seen one before in my 25 years in Phx. The Storm Cell passed Directly over my house, with dime size hail and funnel clouds. Luckily, there was no tornado. My son, age 12, said it reminded him of the movie. Giant Tsunami's, Tornadoes where they dont belong, etc, etc.


For the record, my neighbor has a rain gauge, and it shows 2" of rain in the first 4 days if the year. Not much to you, but Phx gets 6-8 inches of rain in an entire year....


Things that make you go hmmmmm......

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the movie was absolute crap...they attempt to bring science into it, but the science is a huge joke

at least star wars doesn't take itself seriously


but the weather is pretty disturbing...january and no snow in rochester...just rain!!!

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My trip to the game this past weekend was pretty weird:


Dec. 19 - Bills at Bengals - Cincinnati - single digit wind chill with snow

Jan. 2 - Steelers at Bills - Buffalo - mid to upper 40's


Seemed bass-ackwards

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