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[closed]Wht are they so afraid to call Pete Carroll a jerk?

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After watching Gailey with "No comment" and Fitz with "not my style", I wonder why can't a player or coach say that was an awful call or call him out as classless. Will they get fined or something. I hate Pete Carroll. I hated him when he coached USC and now I think I hate him more. I wish someone would strongly speak out against him. Why can't we act like we got a pair.

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I told my wife after the Hawks scored to make it 40 to watch out for the onsides. That's Pete Carrol. He IS a jerk. I did consider myself to be a Seahawks fan years ago since I moved up here. but it's really hard to root for them now because of him. the Hawks are now a dirty, cheating, nasty team. Even though I HATE the 9ers I'll probably cheer for them next week so Pete Carrol has no chance to win the NFC West.


I really don't care. We should have stopped them. It's football. I've never understood gentleman's rules in football like not running up the score.


but he still is a jerk.

Edited by reddogblitz
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Because he did nothing wrong. They play the game of football right? The game wasn't over with 0:00 on the clock was it?

Uh really ? This is a thread about running up the score. You don't believe there IS such a thing so why are you here. Go look up class and sportsmanship and start your own thread about the advantages of being an idiot.


Anyway, after the game Carroll acknowledged the fake punt shouldn't have happened.

"I feel bad about this," Carroll said. "It was part of our game plan, it was something I could have called off, and I didn't. It's unfortunate that it comes across like there's something wrong there. That's my fault, totally, for not stopping it from happening ... in the sense that it looked bad."

He's a tough dude to figure out. He scored 58 on Zona last week too. Slippery Pete has a sort of Belichick feel to him, like he's a weasel inside but 'aw shucks' to your face.

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I love Pete Carroll...


He's the type of guy that when he's your coach you love him, and if he's not you can't stand him


I know this: His team just dropped 50 on its opponents two weeks in a row, the first time in decades that's happened in the NFL (only the 3rd time ever).


Hate him all you want, he doesn't care. Stop the big bad bully from beating you up, or he will.

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Uh really ? This is a thread about running up the score. You don't believe there IS such a thing so why are you here. Go look up class and sportsmanship and start your own thread about the advantages of being an idiot.


Anyway, after the game Carroll acknowledged the fake punt shouldn't have happened.

"I feel bad about this," Carroll said. "It was part of our game plan, it was something I could have called off, and I didn't. It's unfortunate that it comes across like there's something wrong there. That's my fault, totally, for not stopping it from happening ... in the sense that it looked bad."

He's a tough dude to figure out. He scored 58 on Zona last week too. Slippery Pete has a sort of Belichick feel to him, like he's a weasel inside but 'aw shucks' to your face.

I don't believe in sportsmanship and class when it comes to winning a game. The fact is the game wasn't over. The fact is we couldn't stop it from happening because we suck. The truth hurts. I can only imagine how fragile fans of this team must be in severe pain at how bad we suck. Get over it. I'm sure if we were winning the game by 30, and we pulled this play, the fans would have no problem with "running up" the score. It's really that simple.


As far as the sportsmanship and professionalism of a teams play. I don't agree with excessive celebrations. Late hits. Dirty hits. Cheating. Stupid first down pumps when a WR gets 1 single catch. A LB jumping in the pile late and doing flashy dances for getting into the tackle. Etc.....


I love Pete Carroll...


He's the type of guy that when he's your coach you love him, and if he's not you can't stand him


I know this: His team just dropped 50 on its opponents two weeks in a row, the first time in decades that's happened in the NFL (only the 3rd time ever).


Hate him all you want, he doesn't care. Stop the big bad bully from beating you up, or he will.



Over and over again, this-----^

Edited by mrags
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I Love Pete Carroll. I think that college players SHOULD be payed. Cheat, score, win, rinse, repeat, is what they call it, but I call it ass whoopin,' and that's what just happened. Go Hawks! Beat the Pats in the Superbowl, baby! Love me some fake punts and belly option!

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After watching Gailey with "No comment" and Fitz with "not my style", I wonder why can't a player or coach say that was an awful call or call him out as classless. Will they get fined or something. I hate Pete Carroll. I hated him when he coached USC and now I think I hate him more. I wish someone would strongly speak out against him. Why can't we act like we got a pair.

I agree 100%. It's the only major sport where you can be an ass and people praise you for it.


Hate Pete Carroll...He knew dam well Reggie and his parents were on the take and then when the sanctions hit he was nowhere to be seen. He has never owned up to the violations that happened while he was the HC.= at USC.

I agree with this. He knew and then flew, one step ahead of the sheriff. Let somebody else deal with his mess.

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