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Reasons for ST's improvement


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Save for Rian "oops that was the only kick this year that I actually NEEDED to make and missed it" Lindell, special teams this year was a VAST improvement. I think reason number one, two, and three is Bobby April. It was obvious from training camp and on through that he emphasized ST's, along with MM, as an essential part of the game, which was why starters like McGee, Clements, and Fletcher found regular duty. But he also just seemed to coach it like a position - despite the fact that many players weren't as good at their real positions, they have excelled in their ST's roles. These players include, but are not limited to, Wire, Stamer, Aiken, Neufeld, Haggan, Prioleau, Crowell, and the second part of the season, Peters. Add to this the solid play of Dorenbos and the fill-in play of Banta, and the never-ending crusade to get Moorman into the Pro Bowl, this unit was vastly improved. Many of these players have been added in the last year or two - Wire in the draft 02, Prioleau via FA a few years ago, Moorman (NFLE right?) and Dorenbos via FA, and the amazingly loaded 03 draft (special teams wise) saw some ST's standouts: Crowell in the 3rd, McGee and Aiken in the 4th, and Haggan in the 7th, also Stamer was an UDFA IIRC. Also Fast Freddy in this years draft, 7th round, and Peters as and UDFA.


All of this shows the importance, instilled by Levy and DeHaven in the early 90's and not reinstituted until this year, in the Special Teams as the 3rd essential part of the team. We owned in field position because of our superior returns and coverage teams. Its obvious Mularkey takes STs seriously as he hired April, who was thought of as a good STs coach in the NFL. Just like bringing in Wyche and McNally, he has shown alot as a rookie coach in bringing in established coaching veterans in the NFL, unlike past coaches (***cough** Williams' assistant coaches ***cough***), and keeping the right ones here, like Gray and Krumrie. Having April was the essential piece to the ST's improvement. Moorman has been great and still is, but used to be it on STs. Much different now. Hope for contd improvement in 05.

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interesting fact to note is that april was being lambasted in st. louis last year for that team's lack of special teams production.


i don't know what that means regarding the bills, but i know it's true. rams fans were not sorry to se him go. the guy was getting scalded last season... meanwhile, we probably woiuld not have evn been in the hunt last wekend without him. go figure.


which reminds me...is bruse dehAVEn still with the 49ers??

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Thats why I brought up Mularkeys decision to bring in April and that they obviously treat STs seriously, something that hasnt been done since Marv's days. Its the difference between the bad teams and average ones, and the good to great ones. It shouldve kept the Rams out of the playoffs, but somehow they limped in. Their STs and D this year were HORRIBLE. But alas thats the NFC.

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interesting fact to note is that april was being lambasted in st. louis last year for that team's lack of special teams production. 


i don't know what that means regarding the bills, but i know it's true.  rams fans were not sorry to se him go.  the guy was getting scalded last season... meanwhile, we probably woiuld not have evn been in the hunt last wekend without him.  go figure. 


which reminds me...is bruse dehAVEn still with the 49ers??




Two words, player personnel. The Bills have it, the rams didn't as far as special teams goes.

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yeah but geez....are you saying we just all of a sudden DEVLOPED this year??  cause that is the only explanation i see for this year's ST resurgence...based on your theory.




I think we've had the personnel for a while to be solid on special teams but it took a coach like april and an open-minded head coach like mularkey to put those guys in there.


Fletcher was huge on kick returns and players like josh stamer, and pierson prioleau improved this year on ST.

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ok....but if you run into any rams fans in your travels, i 'd be curious to see what they think. me, i am just happy the STs are no longer costing us games...i just think it is interesting that rams fans wanted his head on a stake last year, and meanwhile he has turned us into a special teams powerhouse...it doesn't add up, but i'll take it!

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It's no coincidence that we all of a sudden appeared to have 2 legitimate return threats in McGee and Smith- the upswing in the return game was built upon superior blocking during the season until we met up with Pitt who counteracted it by running linemen into the middle of our blocking scheme this past Sunday.


After the past few seasons of watching our return guys running up the backs of our blockers April came in and established excellent timing on our returns, leading to one of the best return units in the league. We added superior athletes to the coverage units and they responded with far more succesful play than we saw in the recent past also.

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ok....but if you run into any rams fans in your travels, i 'd be curious to see what they think.  me, i am just happy the STs are no longer costing us games...i just think it is interesting that rams fans wanted his head on a stake last year, and meanwhile he has turned us into a special teams powerhouse...it doesn't add up, but i'll take it!


I was chuckling to myself as the Jets ran back a kickoff for a TD against the Rams on Sunday. Hey Martz you putz....I guess the problem with your "special" teams wasn't Bobby April?

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I think reason number one, two, and three is Bobby April.


No, I'd say reason #1 is April, #2 is Malarkey & #3 is devoting quality players to ST.


1st, it's clear that April knows what he's doing where as that can't be said for some of his predecessors.

Also, not only do you need a good ST coach, you need a HC that emphasizes them.

Did DeHaven all of a sudden become a terrible coach when Levy was replaced w/ Wade? (& then become competent again when going to SF.)

Finally, as others have mentioned, one needs the players. Under April not only have some players improved (Preilou sp?, Aiken, Stamer, McGee) but players that previously weren't allocated to ST have made considerable contributions (Fletcher, Schobel, Clements) as examples.

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ok....but if you run into any rams fans in your travels, i 'd be curious to see what they think.  me, i am just happy the STs are no longer costing us games...i just think it is interesting that rams fans wanted his head on a stake last year, and meanwhile he has turned us into a special teams powerhouse...it doesn't add up, but i'll take it!



I seem to remember reading several blurbs that Mike Martz gave near zero attention to special teams during practice time....


Maybe somebody can provide a link??

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