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Is Stevie Johnson Playing Scared?


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I have noticed quite a few times over the past 5 or 6 games that whenever Stevie thinks me might get hit, he drops the ball, or slides down to avoid the defenders. Not bashing him, but I don't remember him being like this last year. Yesterday the announcers even mentioned that it looked like he gave a half-ars effort. Not saying he never makes good catches, or he sucks or whatever someone who wants to jump on me for saying it, but it appears lately like he is playing scared. Anyone else notice that?

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I have noticed quite a few times over the past 5 or 6 games that whenever Stevie thinks me might get hit, he drops the ball, or slides down to avoid the defenders. Not bashing him, but I don't remember him being like this last year. Yesterday the announcers even mentioned that it looked like he gave a half-ars effort. Not saying he never makes good catches, or he sucks or whatever someone who wants to jump on me for saying it, but it appears lately like he is playing scared. Anyone else notice that?


Guy wants to have a long career and protect himself, IMO. Can't blame him. The shelf life for an NFL player is what 5 years?

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Jerry rice used to duck to avoid hits too. I'm ok with a player saving his body from time to time

Not just talking about ducking, I would too, but he lets so many passes go through his hands lately, and it appears he is hearing footsteps whether real or phantom.
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My problem with Stevie isn't that he slides down before absorbing a hit....it's that even in the rare times he is streaking down the field open on a bomb, he still gets run down from behind.


That's because he has to slow down to adjust to the horrible pass thrown by Fitzpatrick.


The 34 yard pass they hit on yesterday was supposed to be a fly...SJ made an awesome adjustment just to catch the damn ball! If Fitz had any arm strength that would've been a TD.

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Love Stevie. Have no criticisms.

My problem with Stevie isn't that he slides down before absorbing a hit....it's that even in the rare times he is streaking down the field open on a bomb, he still gets run down from behind.


This is silly.


The other criticisms are legit because right or wrong, they question his effort or courage but to criticize him for the fact that he's not naturally fast?


Or are you saying (without saying) that he's not hustling? If you think he gets caught from behind because he's dogging it, come out and say so.


I love Stevie and have no problems with his game. I only wish we had one decent wide receiver to play across from him.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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Love Stevie. Have no criticisms.


This is silly. The other criticisms are legit because they speak to effort or courage but to criticize him for the fact that he's not naturally fast?


Or are you saying (without saying) that he's not hustling? If you think he gets caught because he's dogging it, come out and say so.


I love Stevie and have no problems with his game. I only wish we had one decent wide receiver to play across from him.


If Stevie was like most diva receivers, he would have flipped out a long time ago. He is always open but struggles to get the ball because his QB is so inaccurate. On any other team, he is a top 10 receiver. The Bills are lucky to have him.

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Yep. We've reached the point in the season where we're criticizing our best players.


No player on this roster is above some criticism. But there are probably about 20 players and numerous coaches that I'd criticize first.


But back to the original post, I don't see a dropoff in Stevie's game from the previous two years.


He looks like the same guy to me.


And I agree that his numbers are hurt by mediocre quarterbacking because this guy gets open.

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They showed him #1 wr money and he aint any better than a marginal #2. They showed Fitz starter money for backup performance. Mario got huge coin to dominate. He doesn't. So, who's next to take the moneyand relax?


A real owner (Bob Kraft) would demand more from them. He'd be asking them to give money back or hit the road. Ralph only demands you show up and pretend to play football.


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They showed him #1 wr money and he aint any better than a marginal #2. They showed Fitz starter money for backup performance. Mario got huge coin to dominate. He doesn't. So, who's next to take the moneyand relax?


A real owner (Bob Kraft) would demand more from them. He'd be asking them to give money back or hit the road. Ralph only demands you show up and pretend to play football.


Agree 100%. Stevie Johnson and Mario Williams are the real problems with this team. Hopefully, we can unload those 2 scrubs for midround picks in the offseason.

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Thank god. I was waiting to see if there would be a thread bashing one of our best players. Good job.


Let me get things back on course:


Yes, of course Stevie is playing scared...scared that he will spend his whole NFL career without a legit HC or QB to throw him the ball... :D

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They showed him #1 wr money and he aint any better than a marginal #2. They showed Fitz starter money for backup performance. Mario got huge coin to dominate. He doesn't. So, who's next to take the moneyand relax?


A real owner (Bob Kraft) would demand more from them. He'd be asking them to give money back or hit the road. Ralph only demands you show up and pretend to play football.


This is just ridiculous.


First he was the first Bill to have back to back 1000 yard seasons. Now he's on course to have back to back to back 1000 yard seasons. All of this with a limp-armed QB that's missed him on throws at least 15+ times this season.


Let me know what #2 WR has ever done that....


But yes lets bash a very good player, one of the best WR's the Bills have had since Reed.

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