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Long day for a Young RT?: 12/09/2012, Rams @ Bills GAME THREAD

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Anyone the least bit surprised by this drive? This is a very familiar pattern. Play just well enough to let the other team hang around until they beat you. Would love to see the Bills step up their game a bit after this drive. Hoping for the best.

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Look....I like Fred Jackson and all, but it is time for him to leave this team if Chan is going to continue coaching. That is the only way Spiller will ever see more carries.


But even then, I guess Tashard Choice would need to egt his touches as well.


Better idea..........CHAN NEEDS TO GO. This is some of the worst crap I have ever seen. Jauron was a better coach at this point. And it kills me to say that. But Chan' personnel groupings and play-calling are just terrible. The best players are not on the field for the Bills, he has no idea how to manage the clock, he never plays for a touchdown and it makes me sick.


This. It continues to blow my mind

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Fred "cement shoes" Jackson needs to be sat down. He's old and slow and needs to be used to give CJ a breather and nothing more. C'mon Chan!!!


To: Allstars004

From: Fred Jackson

Subject: your post


!@#$ you


Sincerely, Fred.

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