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Orville Redenbacher's granddaughter arrested, charged with...

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I would. She's crazy, she's well funded, she's cute. Serious good times there.


I don't know... See those crazy eyes? Soon to be scar on the forehead... Outta my league! Too rough for my blood! Any other takers? Calling Pooj, calling Pooj! ;)


There's usually a kernel of truth to these stories. You just never know what's gonna make a person suddenly pop like that. Hope her lawyer can butter-up the judge enough to go light on her.



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So having some chick throw crap at you is a serious good time? You've been standing knee deep in horse manure for way to long dude.


We are talking the difference between rural Valpo, Indiana HoosierLand and rural Tar Heel State of North Carolina... Both go hand in hand... Even w/the alleged popping corn king's trust fund, she is still zooming around in a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire! Me thinks, our friendly rancher from NC may get disillusioned with his date very quickly! ;)

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