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Racist Sorrority Pic


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I kinda get where you're coming from, but I take it you're not Mexican. So of course, it probably doesn't bother you. But it could be offensive for Mexicans.


It's tough. I think we do over the top with the PC stuff. At the same time, most of the people complaining about the PC stuff are the ones who haven't be discriminated against because of their race, gender, religion, etc. Personally, I got friends of every different background and we bust on each other all the time about race and that stuff. But I totally would understand if one of my Mexican friends would get offended by this. It's not my call to determine what should offend people. Personally, I don't think you should get offended by stupid drunk girls who have everything handed to them (whoops, I guess that's a stereotype) but to each his own.

Yeah my issue had to do with other people speaking for them. In the day and age of everyone having an advocate group couldn't Yahoo at least have contacted one to get a quote about how people were offended? My other issue is what offends people. Just because something is offensive to a certain group of people does not mean it needs to make national news. Sometimes it is a neccesity to "speak up for the little guy" or protect against injustices. This to me doesn't fit those descriptions. Of all the discrimination that Mexicans I'm sure face, sorority girls at a Halloween party probably ranks low for them.


Again I ask because I really want to know: is it an existing stereotype that mexicans smoke weed? I was unaware of this.

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