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Kids and football and concussions

John Adams

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It's a hot topic now but stumbled on some more data in an article today. 34 of 35 NFL studied brains had degenerative brain disease CTE that leads to dementia, and 68 of 85 brains of football exposed brains of any age had it.


A small sample to be sure but those are crazy odds against an awful quality of life. This has nothing to do with concussions, but repeated head blows are bad (yes, youth soccer too needs to not be teaching tons of heading, or perhaps almost any).


As to youth football, not sure how you go to no head hits except by playing flag or forbidding it.



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Same way youth hockey stops hits from behind/to the head. Obviously you're not going to put a big STOP emblem on the kids' helmets, but make the penalty severe. 15 yards, removal from game, possible suspension. Remember hits to the head are often damaging for both players.

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