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Javon Belcher Update

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It's not a "gun control" issue, it's a domestic violence issue. Turning this into a gun control issue is mendacious pontificating that ignores the larger issue - namely, that in the time it took you to pontificate, and me to respond, one woman in this country had the **** beat out of her by her significant other.


I'm sure Nicole Brown Simpson would agree with me, if she could.


To be honest, the thought of this being a gun control issue never even crossed my mind until I saw this post that sarcastically said, "it's the gun's fault." Well, no, a gun cannot think and pull its own trigger, but with guns so unbelievably easily accessible, situations like this escalate into murders a hell of a lot quicker with guns sitting around. And thank you for the OJ reference. Yes, you win, in the history of the world people have been murdered by weapons other than guns.

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Dafuq man. I commented he was a coward when it first came out he killed himself and another and I got called insensitive but now you guys can! No fun! I want to bury on a pathetic piece of trash, too.


Somewhere in hell, mcNair and this dude are getting theirs.

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Quite frankly, I found the 'horrible tragedy' thread on the main board to be pretty lame too. Way too many people afraid to call a spade a spade these days. This guy was a worthless subhuman; I hope he's rotting in hell.

Save for DaveInElma, everyone is afraid and you should be too. The proper nomenclature is Monday-American.

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Dafuq man. I commented he was a coward when it first came out he killed himself and another and I got called insensitive but now you guys can! No fun! I want to bury on a pathetic piece of trash, too.


Somewhere in hell, mcNair and this dude are getting theirs.

So having an affair should get you murdered?

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Right. We need more guns. His girlfriend should've been armed too, that way she could've intervened and shot him before he shot her. Or maybe their 3 month-old could've stopped it if he was armed too. We have a serious problem in this country and it will never change with this type of mentality. The simple fact is that in other westernized countries that don't allow guns, there are exponentially fewer murders. Please, I beg you to just do a simple google search and look at the numbers (cue someone saying, "but yeah, they have knife violence").


Next time there is a vehicular death and the driver was drunk, will you lobby to "ban" alcohol?


Be careful with your answer.

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To be honest, the thought of this being a gun control issue never even crossed my mind until I saw this post that sarcastically said, "it's the gun's fault." Well, no, a gun cannot think and pull its own trigger, but with guns so unbelievably easily accessible, situations like this escalate into murders a hell of a lot quicker with guns sitting around. And thank you for the OJ reference. Yes, you win, in the history of the world people have been murdered by weapons other than guns.


Again, with the pretending guns are the issue when men abuse their wives/girlfriends...


We get it, you don't like guns. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I'm saying: it's not the !@#$ing issue here, you moron. This one instance of a woman being shot by her partner is accompanied by one more woman being killed by her partner using another weapon, and on the order of roughly three thousand other physical assaults, of which only about one thousand are actually reported to the authorities.


In other words: by making the issue the gun, you're paying attention to only one twentieth of one percent of the ACTUAL issue. So stop hijacking the real issue, dumbass. Unless you simply don't care about the 2,999 other women who weren't shot and killed.

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I'm sure Nicole Brown Simpson would agree with me, if she could.





How was the “gun culture” to blame for the violent actions of a grown man? Was a gun the only means by which a professional athlete might have killed himself and someone else? Of course not.


Costas’ remarks constitute exploitation of a tragedy in order to push a political point that Whitlock, Costas, and NBC no doubt already believed, and only used the moment to forward. They all should be ashamed of themselves.


But our current media culture is one in which shame does not exist. Neither does the truth.

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Dafuq man. I commented he was a coward when it first came out he killed himself and another and I got called insensitive but now you guys can! No fun! I want to bury on a pathetic piece of trash, too.


Somewhere in hell, mcNair and this dude are getting theirs.


insensitive and now a drama queen. all i said was it might be early to be piling on, you know saturday morning before we had any details whatsoever including the persons name, besides that 2 were dead... i even made sure to say that it was less to do with your sentiment and more to do with just flat out not knowing what happened yet.


this is like the 3rd time youve posted whining about it


(just giving you a hard time)

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Next time there is a vehicular death and the driver was drunk, will you lobby to "ban" alcohol?


Be careful with your answer.


Ban alcohol! Hell no! Ban vehicles! It's all the damn cars we have in America! That's the real damn problem. How many Amish people run over people with their buggies and horses every year? None.

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Costas’ remarks constitute exploitation of a tragedy in order to push a political point that Whitlock, Costas, and NBC no doubt already believed, and only used the moment to forward. They all should be ashamed of themselves.


"And now, back to the game..."


"Was that a bullet RGIII just threw out there or what? He's a real threat in the shotgun...he's got a gunslinger mentality out there."

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Dafuq man. I commented he was a coward when it first came out he killed himself and another and I got called insensitive but now you guys can! No fun! I want to bury on a pathetic piece of trash, too.


Somewhere in hell, mcNair and this dude are getting theirs.


WTF did McNair ever do to deserve it?

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Never heard Costas say he wanted guns outlawed...merely that the "gun culture" is retarded which it is.


What the hell does "gun culture" even mean? Are we referencing Michael Moore again? I thought Bowling for Columbine was retarded.

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What the hell does "gun culture" even mean? Are we referencing Michael Moore again? I thought Bowling for Columbine was retarded.


You should check out this other movie someone made of Michael Moore. It's available on Netflix. That whole "bank giving away a shotgun when opening an account" was a setup by fat ass.


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What the hell does "gun culture" even mean?


If you are seriously asking, you can read plenty more here. And if you are seriously unaware of the difference between the way Americans view guns vs the rest of the world, then you need to travel more.


I'm not advocating either side here, but please don't act like Americans arent obsessed with their firearms. Or that this is a new trend or term.

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