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i know these guys have a personal life....but, he was inactive yesterday due to a calf injury.


on the way home from the game yesterday, listening to the radio, when asked by a reporter, gailey said Donald was held out for as much cautionary as it was serious.


bowling is not exactly a strenuous activity, but recently Andrew Bynum (NBA) reinjured himself bowling and experienced a "setback" in his rehab.



i just find it odd, that if your injured enough to miss a game, you probably shouldn't be out the next day in a public setting, bowling, golfing or whatever....


anyways, he didn't seem to be favoring either leg....


nice guy, was with his family and some friends. even autographed his jersey for a fan.


Bowling is a bit less strenuous than a football game.


Do we have to vilify every player? The dude is out bowling with his family


What else would we do? Try to enjoy ourselves?

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