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Never though Lohan was cute. Mean girls maybe, but she was the 4th hottest girl in that movie (Tina Fay was 3rd)


Ever see the movie Georgia Rules? Shes very good looking in that movie!


Never though Lohan was cute. Mean girls maybe, but she was the 4th hottest girl in that movie (Tina Fay was 3rd)


Whoa. We're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. Lindsay Lohan in her prime (which is definitely Mean Girls) was freaking hot. I would put her 1, Tina Fey 2, Rachel MacAdams 3 (way overrated BTW) and I'm assuming we're counting Amanda Seyfried here? If you think she is hotter than Lindsay Lohan in her prime then you must just think redheads are yucky or something because that's egregious.


Agree Lohan in her prime was scccchhhhmmmmoookkkkkinnnn.


Spare us your Tina fey fantasies hindsight. Haaaaaaaaa


All of the mean girls Yes please.






damn it!



I absolutely knew that was going to happen. I looked anyway. Glad I did. It's a new pic I've never seen before. It never gets old.


lol That is blocked too.


Maybe just tell me what the pic is haha




Be thankful that one is locked - On the week that Mart Martin's son died there should be a moratorium on peter pansies pic. Check out the original link when you get home.

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