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Tank Carder tweets cause stir


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1. I do understand it, and just because you disagree with how I exercise that right doesn't make you the Almighty Judge of my educational background.


2. No one is subverting anything if they speak out against it- in fact, it is what you do in a democracy. Those people aren't doing anything wrong.


3. Homosexuality is NOT normal, and hasn't been normal for thousands of years. It just didn't become normal in the past 10 years. Get over your agenda!


Why? And how do you know? Can you answer WHY you are heterosexual? If so, can you answer why people are homosexual? What happened "thousands of years ago" to cause homosexuality to no longer be normal?



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Lots of bad posts on this thread.


First off, many of you don't understand what "free speech" means. The First Amendment is a restriction on the Federal Goverment's ability to regulate private speech. Private employers, such as the Cleveland Browns, are not subject to the First Amendment.


Please read that last paragraph again and let it sink in - this is taught in elementary school, yet many of you do not seem to have absorbed it.


Second, even if Tank's speech in this case was subject to the First Amendment (which it is not; see above), it likely would still not be protected. Again, many of you people seem to fundamentally misunderstand what is involved here. You are not protected if you use threatening speech ("I'm going to kill you"), panic-inducing speech (shouting "fire" in a crowded theater), or using inflammatory hate speech in certain contexts, i.e., name-calling as opposed to expressing an opinion. Those of you piling on the anti-PC inferno: Tank Carder called someone a "faggot" on Twitter. Do you think if he called someone a "n---er" that the Browns/NFL would be out of bounds in suspending him? I doubt it... The fact is, there is a difference between expressing an opinion, and using a derogatory term to incite. He did the latter, not the former, and it likely wouldn't be protected speech anyhow.


Finally, the comment that "not everyone believes in homosexuality" is idiotic. It's one thing to be against gay marriage (putting aside that there is not a single compelling reason why anyone would oppose it, other than the fact that the thought of it grosses them out and "the Bible said it"), but quite another to "not believe in homosexuality." If it is really your "belief" that no one is really gay, then I have to say, you are such a moron you should not be allowed to vote, drive, reproduce, or speak. And yes that is my opinion - you're just dumb as a bag of rocks.

so your telling me u can go around calling everyone derogatory things, and my boss can't fire me?
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Ok Bobby Fischer, I'll clue you in on something, the Greeks who developed the idea of a free republic (which the USA is), were notorious for their homosexuality. Please read a book, any book.


In defense of the ancient greeks, they were homos for pleasure, but also had hetero relations as well. Big gangabgers they were.


But if we look at this objectively, why is it that in some cultures there is a higher percentage of gays than in others? And why does that percentage seem to be growing?


If it were naturally occuring, then woudln't Asians living in America be as equally gay as Asians living in Japan or China or Korea? What is it about Western Culture that brings out the gayness of people? The same thing could be said of blacks, whites, and all other races.


Some aboriginal tribes don't even have a word for gay or homosexual in their language - because it simply doesn't exist in their culture.


Also, how do some people go from being heterosexual, getting married and even having children, before one day coming to the conclusion that they are gay? If they are gay, wouldn't you be attrated to only members of the same sex?


It seems to me it is more of a cultural thing than a 'born with it' thing.


Plus, the biology behind it just doesnt make sense to me.

Edited by peterpan
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You're good at comebacks, nothing gets by you. Its genius how you take words from others then say them back to them to make a point. So lets get this straight, in the history of the human race the ancient greeks were gay for a little bit, then it went away only to re-appear 10 years ago in the USA?


No, you are saying that I don't read, which of course is another personal insult... big surprise... last resort.


The Ancient Greeks were just a small part of the larger ancient world. To limit the scope of sexual normalcy to just one culture in that period is not a counter to my argument.

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i believe he is just expressing his opinion.. sounds like you do not agree with it by the sarcastic put-down.. well, guess you are judge and jury on what is acceptable..


Ok - fair enough. It's my opinion that you have two heads, and that the Earth is made of rubber. Nothing to be done - it's my opinion.

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i believe he is just expressing his opinion.. sounds like you do not agree with it by the sarcastic put-down.. well, guess you are judge and jury on what is acceptable..


I'm trying to express my opinion while I get insulted instead of providing counters of substance... frankly I didn't expect this PPP-like nonsense here...

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In defense of the ancient greeks, they were homos for pleasure, but also had hetero relations as well. Big gangabgers they were.


But if we look at this objectively, why is it that in some cultures there is a higher percentage of gays than in others? And why does that percentage seem to be growing?


If it were naturally occuring, then woudln't Asians living in America be as equally gay as Asians living in Japan or China or Korea? What is it about Western Culture that brings out the gayness of people? The same thing could be said of blacks, whites, and all other races.


Some aboriginal tribes don't even have a word for gay or homosexual in their language - because it simply doesn't exist in their culture.


Also, how do some people go from being heterosexual, getting married and even having children, before one day coming to the conclusion that they are gay? If they are gay, wouldn't you be attrated to only members of the same sex?


It seems to me it is more of a cultural thing than a 'born with it' thing.


Plus, the biology behind it just doesnt make sense to me.


Truly, I think you can understand why someone would be hesitate to self report their sexuality or even more openly live their sexuality in a society where people declare themselves open minded despite not believing in gays.

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Also, why is there such a higher number of pedophiles in Western and Middle Eastern culutres? Their two cultures couldn't be more different, but they both dig the kiddies.


I also have to wonder when the PC police will change peoples views on the pedophile just as they did with the homosexuals.

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You're good at comebacks, nothing gets by you. Its genius how you take words from others then say them back to them to make a point. So lets get this straight, in the history of the human race the ancient greeks were gay for a little bit, then it went away only to re-appear 10 years ago in the USA?

nope, its always been around. Always. Certain global corporations(catholic church) have had a long history of murdering people who don't fall into line with their view. So there is a lot of history to this matter.

There is a species of chimp, Bonobo's, that are ruled by a female. This female uses sex to keep her Troup in check; males and females alike. Every member if the species is bi-sexual. Also, its the only other species of primate on earth that spends most of its time walking upright.

Edited by JaxBills
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I'm trying to express my opinion while I get insulted instead of providing counters of substance... frankly I didn't expect this PPP-like nonsense here...


By all means, please provide us with one logical thought that is anti-gay and we will gladly retort you with something of substance. But until you can demonstrate that you're not just a bigot we will treat you accordingly.

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Truly, I think you can understand why someone would be hesitate to self report their sexuality or even more openly live their sexuality in a society where people declare themselves open minded despite not believing in gays.


Im not talking about reporting 'gayness' but actual 'gayness'. there is simply less of it in other cultures.


It seems to come more prevelant with economic prosperity. I don't see the link as to why, but there does seem to be a link.

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My feelings on the tweet:


It was a dumb thing to do...the term he used is widely-considered a hateful term, just like dropping an N-bomb. Can he say it legally? Yes. Can it be held against him by the Browns' organization? Yes.


Dumb thing to say, and--in my opinion--reveals a slight character issue as far as I'm concerned. Whether or not I agree with the homosexual lifestyle, there's nothing preventing me from respecting my fellow man by not using a hateful term, and that's true whether it's in regard to gays, blacks, muslims, jews, or half-man/half-sharks.


Just my 1 cent.

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By all means, please provide us with one logical thought that is anti-gay and we will gladly retort you with something of substance. But until you can demonstrate that you're not just a bigot we will treat you accordingly.


Homosexuality is not normal to me and my religion is against it because it is unnatural... the act. That is my belief.

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