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More player injuries on kickoffs or INT returns?


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Seems to me there are more catastrophic injuries during INT returns especially to unsuspecting offensive lineman than on kickoffs with the new rules regarding the wedge. The decreased number of players used on the wedge and the fact you can't go low into the wedge probably has decreased kickoff return injuries more than the 35 yard line has. The Jared Allen hit on a Bears lineman was unnecessary. The hit that Wood took and the torn shoulder that the Green Bay player had a few years ago are just a few others. I know keep your head on a swivel and it's not flag football. But honestly if you are going to protect players how about protecting these lineman from blindside hits??? They protect defensive lineman from chop blocks and linebackers from crack back blocks. It is time to end these needless hits on starting offensive lineman. If they simply made it a penalty for any player to leave their feet to make a block on any portion of the opponents body not just the head that would eliminate many injuries. You could even state that any block not near the LOS or QB pocket must be initiated with the hands and not the shoulder. This would eliminate the violence of these collisions as no blocker be it on offense or as a defender would be willing to break a wrist to flatten a guy - but they could still make an effective block down field or on a return.

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