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Is He Going To Start A New Religion?


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You know he's a comedian right? I have a strange feeling he's not going to start a religion.



I love this song. I dare any of you to listen to the whole thing without headbanging and playing air guitar!

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You know he's a comedian right? I have a strange feeling he's not going to start a religion.




I love this song. I dare any of you to listen to the whole thing without headbanging and playing air guitar!


So you think that was part of his routine or you think that it was some sort of parody?

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I don't know, I didn't see the whole thing. Only the clip. But my guess is that he isn't serious. Just like when you people talk about "Saint Regan" or other memes that pop out in culture. I think this is just him being a comedian.


Nobody claimed Reagan a "saint". Why don't you check out the links I posted before guessing that it was just a joke?

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I think that's the time when he decided to become a black man. I remember seeing him on Letterman and his behavior was bizarre. If you closed your eyes and listened you would think he was a gangstah rapper. He must have either had a small stroke we don't know about or a very heavy drug user.

I don't think this is as big of a mystery as you seem to think it is...

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I don't think this is as big of a mystery as you seem to think it is...

Did he have a stroke? If so I feel bad. I didn't mean to infer that I had some particular insight on Tarentino. Far from it. I really liked his first few movies and even the ones that he didn't direct. "True Romance" is one of my favs of all time and I think he did the screenplay on that. And I remember seeing him much prior to the Letterman thing and being shocked at the personality change. When it comes to pop culture these days I'm in the dark. My wife is constantly aghast when I don't know who a particular singer, actor is. So it's not surprising I'm unaware of the public's perception of Quentin.

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Did he have a stroke? If so I feel bad. I didn't mean to infer that I had some particular insight on Tarentino. Far from it. I really liked his first few movies and even the ones that he didn't direct. "True Romance" is one of my favs of all time and I think he did the screenplay on that. And I remember seeing him much prior to the Letterman thing and being shocked at the personality change. When it comes to pop culture these days I'm in the dark. My wife is constantly aghast when I don't know who a particular singer, actor is. So it's not surprising I'm unaware of the public's perception of Quentin.

No, no I was just messing with you. I was making the joke that he does a LOT of drugs. I don't know the guy at all, it's just one of those assumptions that probably has a lot of truth to it. My bad. I forget that I'm not funny.

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No, no I was just messing with you. I was making the joke that he does a LOT of drugs. I don't know the guy at all, it's just one of those assumptions that probably has a lot of truth to it. My bad. I forget that I'm not funny.


I thought it was funny.


It’s hard to tell with Tarantino if he’s high or whatever. He’s just a kook to begin with. Say what you will about him though, the movie business is better for having him around. He’s in it for the right reasons. He absolutely LOVES cinema, everything about it. He brings that love and tons of inventive ideas to his stuff. Sometimes it seems a little forced (to me anyway), but when it works, it’s pretty damn cool.


I still remember the day I saw Pulp Fiction in the theatre when it first came out. I was blown away. I remember the feeling I had coming out of the theatre. I had this buzz of excitement that lasted for days.

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