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Bills Need to Market Themselves Better

Storm Front

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I have always wondered why the Bills don't market themselves better across New York State. There are probably just as many Bills fans as there are Giants and Jets fans in Syracuse, Albany and the Southern Tier. The Jets and Giants train in Cortland and Albany respectively. The Bills ought to train in Kingston, Poughkeepsie or White Plains. This lack of farsightedness may ultimately lead to a relocation of the franchise.


White Plains is in Westchester, just 45 minutes from the city. Why on Earth would people there be Bills fans?

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How do you suggest those people get to the games? I just moved home from Poughkeepsie. Its a 5 hour drive with no traffic if your lucky. NYC is an hour away. How many fans do you expect to make that trek each week?

You would be surprised. I used to come from Philly to attend games. Whenever I would head back I would see tons of Bills people at every rest area I would stop at up to Syracuse. Then I would see plenty of people on 81 South with Bills stuff on their cars all the way to Binghamton.


Now White Plains does not make sense. Especially with the Giants' success, the Jets' 'marketability', standing up to the Bills' perpetual ineptitude. Maybe if the Bills were good they can get aggressive... but not now. The Jets moving into Cortland p1sses me off a bit, and I think Central NY should be Bills country. Not sure what they are doing there. It seems WNY marketing is nearly non-existant.


The best marketing though, like has been stated, is winning.

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White Plains is in Westchester, just 45 minutes from the city. Why on Earth would people there be Bills fans?


I live near White Plains and that's correct, few people here care about the Bills; though I did get a 'Go Bills' shout out while at the gas station yesterday from a passing car. :)


As others have said, it's all about winning. 20 years ago, the Bills were more popular around here than anyone except the Giants/Jets (obviously) and a few of the league marquee teams with a history of success in the SB era (Dallas, Pittsburgh, San Fran). Now? Not so much.

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I think Central NY should be Bills country. Not sure what they are doing there.


CNY is definitely Bills country when it comes to the NFL but even though SU plays their football games on Saturday there's a much stronger SU following here in Syracuse, down in Binghamton, and east in Utica.


And now with SU basketball starting the Bills & NFL will be even more marginalized.


I think SU football is getting bigger in CNY while the Bills are getting smaller.

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The Bills should hire the marketing/promotion crew from the Cleveland Browns. Who ever thought of the white flag give away for this week game against the Steelers is a pure marketing/promotions genius at work!


Unbelievably, that's even worse than the Bills using a photo of Brian Moorman punting out of his own end zone in soliciting their own season ticket holders.


White Plains is in Westchester, just 45 minutes from the city. Why on Earth would people there be Bills fans?


I think Pearl Howardman is the resident expert on the New York geography and it's affects on the Bills markets.

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