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Think your password is secure?

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Think again. Most people don't give much thought to on-line security. If you are in the minority who do, you owe it to yourself to read this article:




The more I read Wired, the more impressed I am by it. Seems like I often learn interesting, relevant stuff that isn't covered much elsewhere. Anybody else read it?

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When Mike Muck-Muck Mularkey came on board as the HC here, he said: Superbowl, was what he always uses as his password.

Hey, it worked for him, so I thought that would be fine for me too. But please don't tell anyone. Not sure if it would be so secure if three or more people use the same password. :thumbsup:

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He shoulda made it alphanumeric so it was tougher to guess - - something like:




In hindsight, that's a good idea.

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I was able to guess Hindsights really easily....




Stojan just registered that domain name.

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